Last Tuesday, several thousand Timorese citizens rallied peacefully in front of the Australian Embassy in Fatuhada, Dili, to urge the Australian Government to comply with international law and respect Timor-Leste's sovereignty by negotiating a fair maritime boundary or allowing the issue to be decided by an impartial court or arbitration. As in previous protests on this issue in 2004. 2005 and 2013, there was no violence or threats; passers-by mingled with participants, and demonstrators obeyed strings which delimited areas they were not supposed to enter. In fact, police and embassy security were more respectful than at previous protests and kept their distance; the crowd largely controlled itself.
Although strong views were expressed ("Governu Australia ... Na'ok-teen" was a frequent call and response) and speakers were eloquent and vociferous, most participants turned their backs to the embassy, preferring to face the stage. A few speakers appealed directly in English to Ambassador Peter Doyle's conscience, but the sound system was probably not loud enough to cross the street and walls. We expect that his plainclothes staff have passed on the message, although organizers had written to him the day before.
Many Timorese expressed their appreciation that international solidarity is continuing to support Timor-Leste in this phase of its independence struggle, as activists around the world had done during 24 years of struggle against Indonesian occupation. Unfortunately, the solidarity was more virtual than visible -- fewer than ten malaes attended, and not a single Australian national. (There were a lot of people there, and we could be mistaken -- apologies to any Australians who passed unseen in the hot noonday sun.)
La'o Hamutuk has talked with many Australians, both here and in Australia, who support Timor-Leste's right to a fair maritime border with their country. But unlike at previous rallies here, they did not make an appearance, although protests and well-attended conferences in Australia during the last few months attest to their integrity and determination. We understand that people who work for the Australian government, the programs it funds, or the United Nations have had to surrender their freedom of speech on these issues, but many others have not.
We hope that the warning messages distributed by the Australian Embassy (left), the U.S. Embassy (right) and the United Nations (below) didn't scare people away. Australia told its citizens to "avoid spontaneous gatherings, demonstrations, protests, street rallies and other large public gatherings," while the United States warned that "Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and escalate into violence with little or no warning. U.S. citizens should avoid areas of demonstrations, and exercise caution if in the vicinity of any large gatherings, protests, or demonstrations."
The United Nations, which has worked hard to support human rights, sovereignty and democracy in Timor-Leste, sent an internal 'broadcast' to its staff the day before the demonstration that "Although the event is announced as a peaceful protest, such issues can always deteriorate and develop into something less organized. Therefore UNDSS is as usual reminding staff members and dependants (sic) to avoid large crowds and gatherings as this could always have potential to turn into a mob." As all UN staff sign contracts agreeing not to participate in such events, this may have been unnecessary. A second UN 'security broadcast' on the morning of the protest expected "some traffic disturbance" and reminded "staff and dependants to avoid getting caught in a crowd as it can always change into a mop (sic) with short notice. PNTL is at the scene."
Last November, citizens all over the world rallied to urge governments to do more to prevent changes to the climate. In Melbourne, Pacific Islanders joined thousands of Australians and others to voice their alarm at impending disaster if Australia, the United States and other fossil-fuelled industrialized nations do not change their direction. Nobody told people to stay away or to be afraid of violence, mobs or confrontation.
Respect is not only about a fair maritime boundary, it's also about respecting Timorese people's dignity, character, self-control, humanity and rights to peaceful expression.
For more photos of the Dili demonstration, as well as other information and background on the maritime boundaries dispute, see La'o Hamutuk's website. The most recent material is toward the bottom of the page.
From La'o Hamutuk, the Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis. For more, see
Husi La'o Hamutuk, Institutu ba Monitor no Analiza Dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste. Bele hetan tan husi
27 February 2016
23 February 2016
MKOTT Deklarasaun ba Governu Australia
Liu tinan 40 ona Australia goza reseita hosi rekursu mina-rai no tasi nian iha area Tasi Timor ne’ebé loloos tuir lei no prinsipiu internasionál nian pertense ba Timor-Leste. Iha inísiu kedas Australia buka argumentu oi-oin atu justifika sira nia kaan-teen ne’e. Hanesan iha 1972, Australia halo akordu ho Indonézia atu define sira nia fronteira. Argumentu falsu ba “plataforma Kontinental” hosi Australia halo sira okupa, domina no nauk hosi povu Timor-Leste.
Iha 1974, Kompañia mina-rai sira Australia nian deskobre kampu gas Greater Sunrise. Atu halo fasil sira hodi hetan riku-soin hosi Greater Sunrise no seluk tan iha Timor-Leste nia territóriu, Australia suporta invazaun Indonézia nian mai Timor-Leste iha 1975 ne’ebé oho besik ema 200,000.
Bainhira Timor-Leste manán independénsia hosi okupasaun ilegál hosi Indonézia, Australia nafatin hakarak atu hetan porsaun balu hosi riku-soin povu Timor-Leste nian liu hosi obriga Timor-Leste atu rekoñese direitu balu Australia nian ba iha kampu mina-rai Elang Kakatua, Bayu Undan, Greater Sunrise no mós halo Timor-Leste tenke lakon nia direitu ba kampu mina-rai Laminaria, Corralina no Buffalo ne’ebé to’o ohin loron sei sai area disputa entre rai rua nian.
Ema Australia barak mak hanoin katak sira nia Governu mak laran luak liu ba povu Timor, maibé buat ne’e la loos. Dezde 1999, Australia fó maizumenus biliaun $1.7 liu hosi programa asisténsia militár no sivíl nian mai Timor-Leste liu hosi mekanizmu bilateral no multilateral nian. Maibé, durante tinan sanulu resin ne’e hanesan, Governu Australia mós simu osan besik biliaun $5 hosi reseita sira hosi kampu petróleu no gas ne’ebé loloos pertense ba direitu Timor-Leste nian. Tanba ne’e, liu biliaun tolu ne’ebé Timor-Leste “fó” ona ba Australia halo Povu Timor-Leste mak sai Australia nia doadór boot liu, la’ós Australia mak Timor nia doadór boot.
Ho buat injustisa lubuk ne’ebé Timor-Leste enfrenta hela hosi okupasaun Australia nian ba Tasi Timor, nune’e, Movimentu Kontra Okupasaun Tasi Timor (MKOTT) husu ba Governu Australia hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
Viva Povu Maubere!
Abaixu Okupasaun Australia ba Tasi Timor!
Reprezentante Movimentu,
Juvinal Dias, Reprezentante Sosiedade Sivíl
Faustino Soares, Reprezentante Universitariu
Jorge Alves (Wemoris), Reprezentante Veteranu
Dili, 23 Fevreiru 2016
Iha 1974, Kompañia mina-rai sira Australia nian deskobre kampu gas Greater Sunrise. Atu halo fasil sira hodi hetan riku-soin hosi Greater Sunrise no seluk tan iha Timor-Leste nia territóriu, Australia suporta invazaun Indonézia nian mai Timor-Leste iha 1975 ne’ebé oho besik ema 200,000.
Bainhira Timor-Leste manán independénsia hosi okupasaun ilegál hosi Indonézia, Australia nafatin hakarak atu hetan porsaun balu hosi riku-soin povu Timor-Leste nian liu hosi obriga Timor-Leste atu rekoñese direitu balu Australia nian ba iha kampu mina-rai Elang Kakatua, Bayu Undan, Greater Sunrise no mós halo Timor-Leste tenke lakon nia direitu ba kampu mina-rai Laminaria, Corralina no Buffalo ne’ebé to’o ohin loron sei sai area disputa entre rai rua nian.
Ema Australia barak mak hanoin katak sira nia Governu mak laran luak liu ba povu Timor, maibé buat ne’e la loos. Dezde 1999, Australia fó maizumenus biliaun $1.7 liu hosi programa asisténsia militár no sivíl nian mai Timor-Leste liu hosi mekanizmu bilateral no multilateral nian. Maibé, durante tinan sanulu resin ne’e hanesan, Governu Australia mós simu osan besik biliaun $5 hosi reseita sira hosi kampu petróleu no gas ne’ebé loloos pertense ba direitu Timor-Leste nian. Tanba ne’e, liu biliaun tolu ne’ebé Timor-Leste “fó” ona ba Australia halo Povu Timor-Leste mak sai Australia nia doadór boot liu, la’ós Australia mak Timor nia doadór boot.
Ho buat injustisa lubuk ne’ebé Timor-Leste enfrenta hela hosi okupasaun Australia nian ba Tasi Timor, nune’e, Movimentu Kontra Okupasaun Tasi Timor (MKOTT) husu ba Governu Australia hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
- Australia tenke respeita no trata soberania no dignidade nasaun Timor-Leste nian hanesan sira halo ba nasaun sira seluk iha mundu.
- Australia tenke fila ba mekanizmu disputa fronteira maritima nian tuir jurizdisaun Tribunal Internasionál ba Justisa (International Court of Justice) no Tribunal Internasionál ba Lei Tasi nian (ITLOS).
- Australia tenke halo negosiasaun ho Governu Timor-Leste ho vontade ne’ebé di’ak.
- Australia labele kontinua argumentu kona-ba “Plataforma Kontinental” ne’ebé la válidu ona.
- Australia nudár nasaun boot labele uza nia podér ekonomia no polítika iha rejiaun ne’e atu kontinua nauk futuru Timor oan sira nian.
Viva Povu Maubere!
Abaixu Okupasaun Australia ba Tasi Timor!
Reprezentante Movimentu,
Juvinal Dias, Reprezentante Sosiedade Sivíl
Faustino Soares, Reprezentante Universitariu
Jorge Alves (Wemoris), Reprezentante Veteranu
Dili, 23 Fevreiru 2016