Ohin dadeer, sei iha plenária estraordináriu iha Parlamentu Nasional atu debate no deside kona ba proposta lei husi Governu ne’ebé autoriza transferénsia tokon $140 husi Fundu Petrolíferu atu finansia atividade estadu sira ba Jullu no Agostu. La'o Hamutuk suporta proposta ida ne'e, tanba proposta ne'e la halo mudansa ba lei sira ne’ebé estabelese tiha ona. Bele le'e liu tan kona ba asuntu iha ne'e.
This morning, an extraordinary Parliamentary plenary meeting will debate and vote on Government's proposal to authorize a special transfer of $140 million from the Petroleum Fund to finance state activities during July and August. La'o Hamutuk supports this proposal, which does not change existing laws and complies with the letter and the spirit of Timor-Leste's solid system for managing money from oil and gas exports, as well as with recommendations we recently discussed with Parliament.
The proposed law, with explanatory materials, is here in English or Portuguese. Read more about this issue and our analysis.
After very long day, two reports by Committee C, and vituperative partisan debate, the Parliamentary plenary approved this law at 10:15 pm Friday night by a party-line vote of 35 in favor, 25 opposed and three abstentions. It will shortly be sent to President Lu Olo, who will decide whether to promulgate it.
ReplyDeleteHafoin debate loron tomak entre partidu sira ne’ebé nakonu ho hatún malu, relatóriu rua prodús duni husi Komisaun C, no plenária Parlamentár aprova tiha duni lei ida ne’e Sesta tuku 10:15 kalan, bazeia ba vota tuir liña partidáriu ho: a favór 35, kontra 25 no tolu abstensaun. Iha tempu badak proposta lei ida ne’e sei haruka ba Prezidente Lu Olo, no nia sei deside atu promulga lei ida ne’e ka la’e.