Taur Matan Ruak
Francisco Guterres
1. Agora, Konstituisaun
RDTL fó knaar balun ba Prezidente Repúblika.
Ita boot hanoin katak kompeténsia sira ne’e nato’on ona ka lae? Karik lae,
saida mak ita boot hakarak Parlamentu Nasionál atu halo iha Konstituisaun?
Ha’u nia konvikasaun pesoál, prefere ba sistema prezidensial duke
sistema semi prezidensial, maibé atu halo revizaun ba Konstituisaun ne’e knar
Parlamentu nian. Atu halo mudansa Konstitusional ne’e la’ós ha’u nia
prioridade, tanba ha’u sei prontu atu servisu ho sistema semi presidensial ne’ebé
Ha’u mós ajuda halo ita-nia Konstituisaun. Ha’u sei
la ezije halo revizaun ba Konstituisaun no, liuliu, ba sistema polítiku ida
ne’ebé ita iha tanba sistema ida ne’e mak di’ak liu ba ita-nia realidade
polítika no sosiál. Ha’u sei tanen solidariedade institusionál no sei
respeita órgaun soberania ida-idak ninia kompeténsias. Ha’u sei halo buat
hotu-hotu tuir Konstituisaun Repúblika no Leis sira ne’ebé vigora iha ita nia
país. Tan ne’e, ha’u,
“Lu Olo”, asume tiha ona kompromisu atu defende Konstituisaun ida ne’e no,
nu’udar Xefe-de-Estadu, ha’u sei kaer metin Konstituisaun ida ne’e.
Ha’u mós hatene katak Prezidente Repúblika mak
guardiaun Konstituisaun nian. Ha’u sei
sai gardiaun konstituisaun nee nian.
Prezidente halo juramentu ba Konstituisaun ne’ebé
vigora ohin loron. Nune’e, Prezidente ninia funsaun dahuluk mak oinsá nia
bele garante kumprimentu Konstituisaun Repúblika no Leis nian, no mós
Tratadus Internasionais ne’ebé ita ratifika no tama iha ita-nia Órden
Jurídika Nasionál.
Nu’udar Prezidente Repúblika, ha’u sei sai
Xefe-de-Estadu ida ne’ebé hakru’uk ba Konstituisaun no Leis ne’ebé vigora iha
Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste. Ha’u sei hala’o ha’u-nia kompeténsias ho
autonomia institusionál no sei respeita kompeténsias órgaun soberania sira
seluk nian.
2. Prezidente Ramos-Horta
hafoin veto lei tolu kona ba asesu ba
rai tanba nia hare lei sira nee la fó benefísiu ba povu ki’ik. Se ita boot
sai Prezidente Repúblika, ita-boot pronto atu uza podér Konstitusional atu
veto lei ruma bainhira iha impaktu negativu ba komunidade nia moris?
Klaru, ha’u sei uza ha’u nia direitu veto, no ida ne’e parte husi ha’u
nia kompromisu polítiku.
Loos duni, PR iha direitu no responsabilidade
hodi defende povo husi lei ho impaktu negativu liu PR nia veto. Ha’u mós konkorda ho PR Horta nia veto ba
lei rain nia ho forma lei pasa parlamentu.
Tuir ha’u nia kompromisu eleitorál:
Prezidente Repúblika, nu’udar Xefe-de-Estadu,
iha kompeténsia atu uza podér VETO nian ba atus lejislativus
Parlamentu Nasionál no Governu nian.
Mai ha’u, Prezidente bele uza de’it ninia podér
ba halo VETO bainhira haree inkonstitusionalidade ka desizaun ruma la defende
interese públiku nian, hanesan pás no estabilidade nasionál. Nune’e,
Prezidente bele halo veto polítiku no jurídiku. Ida ne’e importante atu
garante funsionamentu sistema governu no instituisauns estadu nian.
Prezidente labele uza VETO tanba hakarak hasoru Governu, satan Governu atu
labele ukun, no labele sai kúmplise Governu nian atu fasilita de’it ka husik
Governu ukun arbiru de’it. Prezidente bele uza podér VETO nian ba defende bén
komún, interese públiku, legalidade konstitusionál, direitus no liberdades
importantes sidadaun sira nian, valores ne’ebé mundu tomak haksolok no tama
iha ita- nia Konstituisaun.
3. Ita-Boot hanoin katak Prezidente
iha responsabilidade atu hamenus kiak
no dezenvolve ekonomia sustentável, liu-liu agrikultura iha Timor Leste. Oinsá
Ita-Boot nia hanoin?
Ha’u labele halo servisu hanesan Prezidente Jose Ramos Horta ne’ebé
kria mekanizmu independente ida ba redusaun pobreza ne’ebé ketak husi
Governu, maibé ha’u sei trasa vizaun jerál atu kria interdependensia estadu,
uza Konsellu Ministru, Sosiedade sivíl liu husi kontribuisaun de idea ba
Governu atu hamenus kiak. Ha’u sei ko’alia asuntu makro duke mikro. Ha’u iha
vizaun rasik kona-ba futuru rai no povo ida ne’e nian.
Tuir ha’u nia hanoin, redusaun pobreza so bele akontese bainhira:
Kria kondisaun iha produsaun lokál, hamenus dependénsia ba produsaun
rai li’ur
Hasa’e kapasidade rai-laran ne’ebé la uza rekursu boot.
Tenke hamenus dependénsia ba setór petróleu no gas no investe
maka’as ba agrikultura, peskas no turizmu.
Tenke konsidera “Dutch disease”, kontrola ou redús inflasaun
Investimentu boot ba rekursu umanus liu-liu edukasaun
Ha’u sei garante katak Pás no Estabilibilidade
sei hametin duni oiha ita nia rain, iha ita nia leet.
Ha’u sei hatama mós kestaun ambientál iha ha’u nia
ajenda servisu nu’udar Xefe-de-Estadu. Ha’u sei fó atensaun ba kestaun
ambiente no sustentabilidade dezenvolvimentu nian. Nu’udar Prezidente
Repúblika, ha’u sei halo buat hotu-hotu atu ajuda lori ba oin vida ekonómika,
social, kulturál no intelektuál Nasaun nian. Nu’udar povu umilde nia oan, ha’u
sei tau matan maka’as ba problemas sosiais iha sosiedade nia leet, sosiedade
ida ne’ebé iha ema barak moris iha mukit nia laran. Nu’udar Xefe-de-Estadu,
liuhosi kooperasaun ho Governu no instituisaun públika sira seluk no
instituisaun privada sira, ha’u sei halo buat hotu-hotu atu Estadu bele
hato’o benefísius ba ema hotu-hotu ne’ebé presiza ajuda. Ha’u sei fó atensaun
liuliu ba polítikas públikas kona-ba edukasaun no formasaun profisionál,
saúde, kriasaun empregu, luta hasoru kiak, abitasaun (uma), saneamentu
báziku, bee moos no eletrisidade ba hotu-hotu no, katak ha’u sei defende
inkluzaun sosiál no ekonómika.
4. Relatóriu CAVR, KPP-HAM
Indonesia, Komisaun Peritus ONU rekomenda katak presiza kria Tribunal Internasionál
hodi Julga Krime kontra Umanidade iha Timor husi tinan 1975-1999, wainhira
prosesu Justisa iha Timor no Indonesia falla. Ita boot hanoin katak PR iha responsabilidade
atu luta kontra impunidade? Wainhira
kriminozu ida hetan julgamentu husi tribunal, Ita-Boot hanoin nia merese
kastigu ka bele hetan indultu ka perdaun husi PR?
Kazu Maternus Bere labele akontese tan iha ha’u nia Prezidensia. Ha’u
iha esforsu tomak atu labele iha intervensaun aktus ka liafuan tuir gostu
husi órgaun estadu ida ba órgaun seluk.
Ha’u sei la uza ha’u nia podér atu halo indultu arbiru de’it. Ne’e parte husi
ha’u nia manual polítika.
Asuntu Tribunal Internasionál responsabilidade komunidade internasionál,
no komunidade internasionál tenke pro ativu. Tuir ha’u nia hare, Tribunal Internasionál
presiza tempu, no sei hein depende ba demokratizasaun iha Indonézia. Estadu
Timor-Leste labele hatama kanuru tohar ba prosesu ne’e.
Ha’u sei uza ha’u-nia estatutu nu’udar
Xefe-de-Estadu atu reforsa justisa, hodi justisa bele halo ba ema hotu.
5. Ita-Boot hanoin
Timor-Leste tenke ratifika Konvensaun Internasionál Ema Lakon (International
Convention for the Protection of All Person from Enforced Disappearance)?
Ha’u haruka ona ha’u nia ekipa atu hare no estuda hela nia
vinkulasaun no detallu, tanba ha’u preokupa ba asuntu barak iha pasadu
kona-ba ema lakon.
Ha’u simpatisa totalmente ho direitu familiares vitimas dezaparecidos
sira nia direitu atu hetan informasaun tomak kona ba sira nia maluk dezaparesidu.
Em prinsipiu, ha’u la kontra Timor-Leste ratifika Konvensaun ida
nee. Primeiru governu constitusional
rasik mak uluk harii grupu traballu atu servisu hamutuk ho organizasoens
nasionais no internasionais atu buka tuir no hare tuir kestaun dezaparesidus
iha Timor-Leste. Ha’u sei hatutan
prosesu ida nee.
Timor-Leste ratifika ona konvensaun no tratadus barak, maibé depois
ratifikasaun estadu RDTL hetan susar atu kumpri ho obrigasaun relatórius ne’ebé
tratadu ka konvensaun ezije, liuliu tanba limitaoens oioin, inklui mós rekursus
Hanesan ho konvensoens no tratadus seluk, molok Timor-Leste bele
ratifika konvensaun ne’ebé de’it, presiza governu hamutuk ho parlamentu,
órgaun soberania seluk, no sosiedade sivíl, hala’o prosesu hodi avalia
implikasoens oioin ne’ebé ratifikasaun bele iha ba estadu Timor-Leste. Nune’e, ha’u nudár prezidente sei fó ha’u
nia apoiu no esforsu tomak ba prosesu hodi hala'o prosesu ida nee.
6. Bayu Undan no Kitan sei
maran iha tinan 12 oin mai, no Governu agora gasta liu Rendimentu Sustentável
Estimadu husi Fundu Petrolíferu tinan-tinan. Tuir Ita-Boot, oinsá Timor Leste
bele sai husi dependénsia ba Petróleu?
Importante liu mak tenke iha boa governasaun, labele iha korrupsaun
ba riku-soin povo nian, no ema sira ne’ebé maka hatudu sinál katak nia riku mata
tenke hetan investigasaun. Ha’u mós kontra maka’as ba Lei Pensaun
Vitalisia, Lei ne’e demais liu. Atu hasees
an husi dependénsia petróleu, Timor-Leste tenke investe maka’as iha rekursu umanus,
hasa’e kapasidade setór privadu sira no setór produtivu seluk. Investimentu
tenke halo ho planeamentu ne’ebé di’ak.
Intermus ESI 3% depende ba Governu, tanba esplikasaun ba asuntu ne’e
mak Bertele-tele (ladún klaru). Ba ha’u ESI 3% la’ós problema, maibé problema boot mak korrupsaun ba osan
Ekonomia maka ho regra, ekonomia hanesan ida ne’ebé
harii metin iha konstituisaun. Sistema
finanseiru ida ne’ebé maka iha ona iha konstituisaun. Atu halo dezenvolvimentu ekonómiku tenke la’o
tuir lei, la’o tuir konstituisaun.
Ekonomia ida ne’ebé tabele hanesan daudauk kona-ba projetu referendum
ka projetu seluk maka mosu, nee la di’ak.
Ekonomia ida ne’ebé halo hanesan nee lori ema uitoan de’it maka sai
riku natar, ho barak liu sai pasiar nafatin.
Ekonomia ne’ebé la tuir regra, la tuir lei, ekonomia ne’ebé fahe tua de’it, sei la fó benefísiu. Osan mina rai ninian sei la kona ita nia
rain, maibé sei monu ba ema uitoan ninia liman de’it. Povu maka sai pasiar
Tanba nee maka ha’u hateten, katak nudár
kandidatu ha’u hakarak atu halo ekonomia ida ne’ebé sustentável. Ne’ebé atu bele fó rendimentu ba ita nia
rai, ba ita nia povu ida nee. Para atu bele ekonomia bele haburas. La’ós gasta osan mina rai ninian, osan sira
nee halai sai hotu. Lei maka loke
dalan para atu bele osan nee monu iha povu nia liman. Ita boot sira hare bainhira ita enxe bee
tanke ida maibé ninia okos nee kuak, por mais ita enxe bee, bee ne’e sei
sulin sai nafatin. Ekonomia iha
Timor-Leste ninia so tenke tanke ida nee, metin, tan ba lei tenke taka ninia
kuak iha okos. Halo oinsá ekonomia bele sai, atu kaer metin polítika ne’ebé
bele mós kaer metin osan ba ita nia rain.
Se lai, hanesan ita hare iha tinan 5 nia laran, ita hare, besik biliaun
5 bele sai tiha ona maibé buka biliaun hirak nia ruin la hetan, nia kulit la
7. Saida mak Ita-Boot
hanoin Timor-Leste bele halo atu resolve fronteira Maritima ho Australia no
Ha’u sei kontinua halo diskusaun. Diskusaun ne’e mós tenke inklui
asuntu peskas nian. Ba problema fronteira maritima ne’e ha’u sei la halo
mudansa radikal ida, maibé sei kontinua polítika anterior.
Ha’u hare Australia mak sempre iha problema uitoan ba negosiasaun tanba
hakarak atu hetan porsaun boot. Iha sira nia akordu barak liu depende ba
negosiasaun polítika la’ós de’it legal.
Hanesan fronteira maritima ho Papua Nova Guinea no Nova Zelándia,
Australia hetan barak liu.
Ha’u sei garante unidade nasionál no unidade
Estadu nian, integridade territóriu nian, independénsia no soberania nasaun
Hanesan ha’u deklara iha Kompromisu eleitorál: Ha’u sei fó an tomak atu haburas relasaun
di’ak ho rai hotu-hotu iha mundu laran, liuliu ita nia visinhus Indonesia no
Australia. Maibé haburas relasoens la’ós
bazeadu entrega ita nia direitu ba soberania nasaun nian no kontrole TL nia rikusoin. Defende ita nia direitu atu dezenvolve ita
nia riku soin natural nee mak ha’u sempre defende no sei defende ida nee
sempre iha futuru.
8. PEDN fó Prioridade liu
ba setór Petrolíferu duke agrikultura,
indústria ki’ik no setór seluk ne’ebé sustentável. Ita-Boot nia hanoin planu
hanesan ne’e bele sustenta Timor Leste iha longu prazu?
Ne’e ita sei araska bainhira depende ba setór petróleu, tenke
investe maka’as iha setór produtivu hanesan agrikultura, turizmu no indústria
ki’ik sira.
Sira ne’ebé ukun daudaun hakarak fó prioridade boot
liu ba setór Petrolíferu duke setór produtivu sira seluk. Sira la iha vizaun
naruk ba Timor-Leste, maibé sira la’o iha dalan ho risku boot ba jerasaun oin
Ha’u sei garante ita bele hala’o
dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebé ekilibradu no sustentável. Dezenvolvimentu sustentável nee signifika
katak ita nia osan fundu mina rai tenke uza hodi dezenvolve ita nia povo
rasik uluk nana’in, tuir investimentu iha saúde, iha edukasaun no saneamentu báziku. Dezenvolvimentu umanu mak prinsipál.
Timor-Leste bele no tenke sai ezemplu kona-ba
kumprimentu Objetivus Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu nian (ODM/MDG). Nu’udar
Xefe-de-Estadu, ha’u sei akompaña maka’as programas Governu nian no ha’u sei
halo intervensaun, bainhira presiza, iha nivel internu ka internasionál, atu
haforsa medidas ne’ebé Governu foti atu hetan Objetivus Dezenvolvimentu
Miléniu nian.
9. Timor Leste investe uitoan
de’it ba setór Edukasaun no Saúde kompara ho nasaun seluk. Oinsá Ita-Boot nia
hanoin kona ba valoriza no dezenvolve Rekursu Umanu iha Timor?
Atu valoriza rekursu umanus ita tenke kapasita ita nia ema,
kapasitasaun ema ne’e nudár investimentu. Daudauk ne’e estadu aloka uitoan,
karik ne’e frakeza ministerial, maibé ba ha’u importante maka investe ba foin
sae sira, liu-liu ba sira nia edukasaun, hadi’ak universidade tomak, hasa’e
kapasidade universidade iha parte peskiza nian atu nune’e iha futuru ita la
haruka ona “buruh kasar”/trabalhadores sira ba rai li’ur, maibé haruka jestor
sira atu servisu iha rai li’ur.
Investimentu tenke ba saúde no edukasaun. Investimentu tenke ba mekanizmu
preventiva liu liu ba saúde komunitária sira la’ós de’it ba ospitál boboot de’it.
Hasa’e produsaun aihan rai laran atu hadi’ak saúde komunidade nian.
Ita labele husik ba aban bainrua kestaun espesífika kona-ba saúde no
dezenvolvimentu sosiál liuliu asisténsia materno-infantil no redusaun
mortalidade no akompañamentu labarik sira nian to’o idade eskolár. Nu’udar
Prezidente Repúblika, ha’u sei buka ajuda governu atu define polítikas no
aprova programas sira ne’ebé envolve sosiedade tomak atu respeita direitus
inan sira nian no labarik sira nian. Estadu tenke garante direitu
labarik sira nian atu hetan ai-han ekilibradu to’o tinan lima, no sosiedade
tomak tenke ajuda atu ita-nia labarik sira bele boot ho saúde di’ak. Ho
interese nasaun nian no povu ninia futuru mak ha’u sei ezije ida ne’e.
Ha’u sei fó mós atensaun espesiál ba doensas
endémikas no infekto-kontajiózas. Ha’u sei ezije hosi órgauns kompetentes
Estadu nian no mós hosi sosiedade tomak atu fó liman ba malu atu halo kombate
no prevensaun hasoru tuberkuloze, malária, dengue no liuliu, HIV/SIDA.
Hanesan ha’u temi ona, Timor-Leste bele no
tenke sai ezemplu kona-ba kumprimentu Objetivus Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu nian
(ODM/MDG). Nu’udar Xefe-de-Estadu, ha’u sei akompaña maka’as programas
Governu nian no ha’u sei halo intervensaun, bainhira presiza, iha nivel
internu ka internasionál, atu haforsa medidas ne’ebé Governu foti atu hetan
Objetivus Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu nian.
Ha’u sei fó mós atensaun ba Juventude no
Igualdade Jéneru. Nu’udar Xefe-de-Estadu, ha’u sei fó ha’u nia atensaun tomak
ba kestaun Juventude no igualdade entre feto no mane sira. Ha’u sei hala’o
diálogu beibeik ho sosiedade sivíl no tradisionál no komunitária, ho
Juventude no organizasaun feto sira nian, ho konfisaun relijioza ne’ebé de’it
no organizasaun defeza direitus umanus nian atu buka hetan solusaun justu no
ekilibrada ba problemas sira ne’ebé afeta ita-nia sosiedade.
Ita-nia sosiedade tomak tenke fó atensaun ba
kestaun violénsia doméstika no abuzu sexuál, liuliu abuzu sexuál labarik sira
nian no pedofilia. Nu’udar Prezidente Repúblika ha’u sei tau interese maka’as
ba kestaun sira ne’e no sei halo beibeik diálogu ho sosiedade tomak no
instituisoens públikas no privadas, relijiozas no tradisionais, ha’u sei buka
mobiliza hotu-hotu atu luta hamutuk atu hamoos tiha buat at sira ne’e iha
ita-nia país no iha mundu tomak.
Nu’udar Prezidente Repúblika, ha’u sei sai
faktór estabilidade polítika nian, pás no dezenvolvimentu nian. Ha’u sei halo
buat hotu-hotu atu ajuda Governu hala’o dezenvolvimentu sustentável, atu
halakon kiak, atu halakon diferensa entre sidade no área rurál sira, atu
hamenus diferensa, atu harii oportunidade hanesan ba ema hotu-hotu no atu
inklui ema barak liu iha vida sosiál no ekonómika, atu hasa’e kapasidades no,
atu haforsa instituisoens atu sira bele funsiona ho normalidade no hakru’uk
ba Konstituisaun no Leis ne’ebé vigora iha Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste.
10. Timor Leste foin hahú
Deve husi kreditor Internasionál balun. saida mak Ita-Boot hanoin kona ba
asuntu ne’e?
Deve la’ós problema, maibé problema boot husi deve mak jestaun.
Kondisaun deve liu-liu nia funan mak importante liu. Funan ne’e fluktuativu
ka fixu? Buat seluk mak oinsá atu selu fali, tanba problematiku atu uza osan
mina-rai ba selu tusan. Deve tenke uza ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu.
Bainhira ita halo deve importante liu mak setór seluk hanesan
agrikultura, peskas, turizmu no seluk tan tenke produtivu ona.
Ba ha’u estadu RDTL la presiza atu halo empréstimu no husik tusan ba
futuru jerasaun. Iha halo lae jestaun di’ak
ba ita nia osan rasik tanba ida nee to’o atu ita bele hala’o dezenvolvimentu equilibradu
no sustentável, hanesan ha’u tatoli ona iha ha’u nia kompromisu eleitorál.
Governu ida ne’ebé iha de’it mandatu fulan tolu loloos la devia
husik tusan nune’e ba governu foun.
Lolos husik ba governu foun atu implementa ninia programa dezenvolvimentu
no governasaun.
Biar nune’e, ha’u hakarak fó obrigadu bot ba rain sira ne’ebé pronto
nafatin atu fó tulun finanseiru ba ita atu hala’o ita nia dezenvolvimentu.
11. Karik povo hili
kandidatu seluk atu sai Prezidente Repúblika, saida mak Ita-Boot sei halo iha
Klaru ha’u sei simu rezultadu eleisaun, ha’u sei sai sidadaun ida ne’ebé
di’ak, sei servisu ba organizasaun seluk atu kontribui ba estadu. Sidadaun ne’ebé
forte signifika tenke konsidera nia futuru.
Ha’u sei la halo golpe, bainhira ha’u sei komandante forsa armada de’it
ha’u la halo golpe, sá tan ha’u agora nudár ema sivíl ida. Senhor Mari
Alkatiri mós hatene katak durante krize 2006, nudár ema institusionalista ha’u
halo defeza ba integridade estadu inklui mós Governu. Ezemplu maka ha’u
haruka ha’u nia eskoltu sira atu fó protesaun ba Primeiru Ministru iha altura
Ha’u sei continua servi ha’u nia povo no ha’u nia estadu hanesan ha’u
servi tiha ona iha ha'u nia moris tomak. Ha’u sei uza ha’u nia kapasidades tomak, inklui kapasidade foun ne’ebé
ha’u sei hetan nudár jurista atu hametin estadu de direitu demokrátiku iha
ita nia rain. Ha’u sei sempre defende
povo nee nia dignidade, nia soberania no nia independénsia.
From La'o Hamutuk, the Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis. For more, see
Husi La'o Hamutuk, Institutu ba Monitor no Analiza Dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste. Bele hetan tan husi
12 April 2012
Kandidatu Prezidente nain rua resposta ba pergunta sira importante
La'o Hamutuk nudár organizasaun ne’ebé naun partisan, halo pergunta ba kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika na’in rua atu esplora sira nia vizaun ba dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian iha futuru. Resposta sira ne’e mai husi kandidatu sira rasik. La’o Hamutuk la halo redaksaun ruma ba sira nia resposta. Nune’e ami fó obrigado wain ba kandidatu na’in rua ne’ebé fó sira nia tempu atu prense pergunta sira, hodi espera katak resposta sira ne’e bele ajuda eduka povo atu halo desizaun matenek ba futuru nasaun doben ida ne’e. Bele mos download hanesan PDF.
05 April 2012
Resposta husi LH ba komentariu konaba saude no ANP
Semana kotuk, La’o Hamutuk publika artigu pajina ida iha blogue (mos Ingles) kona-ba tenderizasaun husi Autoridade Nasional Petroleu (ANP) ba asistensia saude ba sira nia staf no sira nia familia. Ami komprende ANP nia hakarak, hanesan mos ema hotu iha nasaun ne’e, ba asistensia saude privadu kompara ho sistema publiku atual ne’ebe iha. Maibe ami foka sai katak 2/3 husi ANP nia orsamentu ne’e (tokon $4 husi tokon $6 durante 2011) direitamente mai husi kompania petroleu sira no ketak husi orsamentu estadu, la involve Parlamentu atu foti desizaun no ketak husi prosesu Fundu Petroleu ne’ebe dezigna atu jere petroleu tomak – iha relasaun ho reseitas ba Timor-Leste.
Artigu ne’e remata ho paragraph: “Iha nasaun barak ne’ebe afeita ho malisan rekursu, ema ho oportunidade atu lasu osan husi atividade petroleu no gas sai privileiju ida, iha klase koruptu. Ami la hanoin katak buat ne’e akontese ona iha Timor-Leste, no espera katak buat ne’e sei nunka mais akontese.” Ami enkoraza le’e nain sira atu tau atensaun, hanesan anunsiamentu tender ANP nian ne’ebe publika sai iha jornal barak, maibe besik laiha ema ida husi sidadaun, Parlamentu ka ofisiais publiku sira ne’ebe ami mensiona atu hatene ka ka sente nia implikasaun.
Ami nia artigu badak ne’e stimula publikasaun iha televizaun no jornal lokal, komentariu husi deputadu Parlamentu, editorial no seluk tan, no diskusaun diak iha Facebook, lista e-mail, no blogue La’o Hamutuk. Reasaun barak iha konteudu, no ami apresia povo ho hanoin diak ba parte tomak husi asuntu ne’e, hanesan ami nia intensaun atu hakerek artigu ne’e atu enkoraza debate. Infelizmente, responden balu – espesialmente sira ne’ebe lakohi atu fo sira nia naran ba komentariu iha ami nia blogue – hili atu halo ataka pesoal kontra La’o Hamutuk, ami nia motivasaun, ka ami nia staff.
Resposta ida ne’e koko atu esplika faktus no idea balun ne’ebe ami husik tiha iha artigu inisial atu halo artigu ne’e badak no fokus. Maske ami sei hatan ba parte asuntu balun, ami espera katak diskusaun sei kontinua fokus ba asuntu prinsipal – prosesu demokratiku atu aloka povo Timor-Leste nia rekursu naturais.
Tuir relatoriu media sira nian, Prezidente ANP Gualdino da Silva konsidera artigu La’o Hamutuk nian nudar "defamasaun," hodi hateten katak ami "laiha etika," no ami tenke kontaktu ba ANP molok hakerek artigu. Faktus mak, ami koalia ho staff ANP dala tolu liu husi telefone molok hakerek artigu, no vizita sira nia edifisiu, maibe laiha ema ida mak bele ka hakarak atu fo informasaun ba ami kona-ba saida mak publika iha jornal. Ami mos haruka karta eletronika ba Prezidente Gualdino iha tempu ne’ebe hanesan bainhira ami publika artigu ne’e, enkoraza nia atu responde, bele liu husi blogue ka direitamente ba ami, no ami promete atu publika nia resposta. Maibe ami la rona buat ruma husi nia.
Faktus iha ami artigu ne’e mai husi dokumentus ne’ebe publika husi ANP (sira nia anunsiu iha jornal no relatoriu trimestral), Dekretu Lei no Statuta ANP, Banku Central (Relatoriu trimestral Fundu Petrolifeiru), no Orsamentu Estadu RDTL.* Karik iha buat ruma mak sala husi ne’e, ami pronto atu halo koreksaun. Artigu ida ne’e laos investigasaun ne’ebe klean husi parte La’o Hamutuk – maibe ami uza tempu atu koko kontaktu ANP, ami gasta maizumenus oras tolu atu halo peskiza no hakerek artigu ida ne’e. Ida ne’e laos asuntu komplikadu.
Ami hamutuk ho komentator balu iha blogue ne’ebe apresia ba transparansia ANP. Kleur ona ami agradese Autoridade nia nakloke no nia pronto atu halo dialogu, hanesan sira nia informasaun ne’ebe bele hetan iha sira nia website no fatin seluk, ne’ebe dalabarak transparante liu duke lei haruka. Ami espera katak experiensia ida ne’e la halo ANP atu sai segredu – konsekuensia ida husi tranparansia mak povo sei le’e saida mak sai publiku, dalabarak hamosu ladun konfortavel, karik util, hamosu diskusaun publiku.
Hanesan La’o Hamutuk enkouraza transparensia ba instituisaun estadu, ami koko atu pratika ida ne’e rasik. Informasaun kona-ba ami nia programa, fontes orsamental, despeza no atividade seluk iha ami nia relatoriu fulan ne’e no relatoriu annual ne’ebe bele hetan iha ami nia website. Ita boot sira mos bele le’e katak ami fo asuransi saude ba ami nia staff, subsidi balu husi asuransi internasional ba sira ne’ebe perfere ida ne’e ka reimbolsa kustu saude nian liu husi fundu asuransi iha organizasaun. Ida ne’e esplika iha ami nia proposta ne’ebe ami halo ba ami nia doadores tolu ne’ebe suporta La’o Hamutuk nia servisu, no sira aseita bainhira sira fo osan. Ida ne’e mak ami husu ba ANP: atu fo oportunidade ba ida ne’ebe fo osan ba sira – sidadaun Timor-Leste liu husi sira nia reprezentante ne’ebe sira hili – atu aprova sira nia orsamentu no rendimentu.
La’o Hamutuk nudar organizasaun independente ida ne’ebe la simu osan husi instituisaun ruma ne’ebe iha interese boot ba Timor-Leste – inklui sira ne’ebe komentator anonymous iha blogue mensiona ne’ebe halo alegasaun kulpa husi asosiasaun. Durante tinan 12, ami koko atu pratika igualidade no partisipasaun – ami nia staff nasional no internasional iha salariu no responsabilidade ne’ebe hanesan; ami laiha diretor no servisu nudar kolektivu ho naun-hirarkia. Ami la'os perfeitu, maibe ami koko maka’as atu evita padroes negativu barak ne’ebe mensiona husi komentator balu. Ami pronto atu halo diskusaun ne’ebe informada liu.
Defensor balu ba asistensia saude ne’ebe privilejiu argumenta katak ANP nia staff halo knar importante iha Timor-Leste (projeitu petroleu iha sira nia regulasaun okos lori reseitas barak ba estadu), no tamba ne’e presiza asistensia saude ne’ebe diak. Ami konkorda, no hanoin katak prinsipiu ida ne’e mos aplika ba ofisiais polisia, mestre, enfermeira, funsionariu publiku no sira seluk ne’ebe servisu ba Estadu Timor-Leste, tamba ne’e mak desde uluk kedas ami enkoraza Governu no Parlamentu atu aloka osan barak tan ba sistema asistensia saude publiku, inklui prevensaun. Aleinde atu hanaruk ema nia moris no hamenus moras, ida ne’e sei iha benefisiu barak: aumenta atendementu eskola, instituisaun publiku ne’ebe efektivu liu, seitor privadu ne’ebe produtivu liu, aumenta turismu no saude diak ba ema hotu.
[Buat ketak, staff La’o Hamutuk ida ne’ebe mai husi Estadu Unidus husu ba ema hotu atu lalika hateke ba modelu asistensia saude Estadus Unidus nian, ne’ebe failha totalmente iha area ida ne’e, ho interese spesial (kompania asuransi no kompania asistensia saude privadu) aumenta kustu asistensia saude nian no halo povo barak mak labele asesu ba. Timor-Leste, ne’ebe demokratiku liu, tenke halo diak liu tan.]
Ho spiritu atu fo diskursu ne’ebe livre no fahe idea ne’ebe nakloke, La’o Hamutuk sei kontinua atu publika komentariu tomak ba ami nia blogue, maske karik sira sei anonymous. Maske nune’e, karik ita boot sira fiar ba buat ne’ebe ita boot sira hakerek ba, ami espera ita-boot sira sei iha brani naton atu hatudu an. Obrigado barak.
* Ligasaun sira iha leten ba website husi instituisaun sira, dalaruma la la'o. Atu hetan dokumentu hanesan husi website LH nian, hare artigu blogue orijinal.
04 April 2012
LH reply to comments on ANP/Health Care posting
Last week, La’o Hamutuk posted a one-page blog article (also Tetum) about a tender by the Timor-Leste National Petroleum Authority (ANP) for health care for its staff and families. We understood the ANP’s desire, shared by everyone in this country, for better health care than the public system currently provides, However, we pointed out that two-thirds of ANP’s funding ($4 out of $6 million during 2011) comes directly from oil companies and is outside of the State Budget, Parliamentary decision-making, and the Petroleum Fund process which is designed to manage all petroleum-related revenues to Timor-Leste.
The article closed with the paragraph: “In many resource-curse afflicted countries, people with the opportunity to skim money from oil and gas activities become a privileged, corrupt class. We do not think this has happened yet in Timor-Leste, and hope it never will.” We encouraged readers to pay more attention, as ANP’s tender announcement had already been printed in many newspapers, but almost none of the citizens, Parliamentarians or public officials we mentioned it to had noticed it or realized its implications.
Our short article stimulated coverage on local television and newspapers, commentary by Parliamentarians, editorial writers and others, and lively discussions on Facebook, email lists, and La’o Hamutuk’s blog. Many reactions were substantive, and we appreciate people with thoughtful views on all sides of the issue, as our intention in writing the article was to encourage debate. Unfortunately, some respondents – especially those unwilling to give their names in comments on our blog – chose to make personal attacks against La’o Hamutuk, our motivations, or our staff.
This response tries to explain some facts and ideas that we left out of the initial article to keep it short and to the point. Although we will address some side issues, we hope that the discussion will continue to focus on the principal issue – democratic processes for allocating natural resources belonging to the people of Timor-Leste.
According to media reports, ANP President Gualdino da Silva considers La’o Hamutuk’s article “defamation,” says that we are “without ethics,” and that we should have contacted ANP before writing the article. In fact, we spoke on the telephone with ANP staff three times before writing the article, and visited their office, but nobody was available and/or willing to provide any information beyond what had been in the newspaper ad. We also emailed President Gualdino at the same time we posted the article, encouraging him to respond either on the blog or to us directly, and promising to publish his response. We have not heard from him.
The facts in our article come from documents published by the ANP (their newspaper advertisement and quarterly report), the ANP’s Decree-Law and Bylaws, the Central Bank (Petroleum Fund quarterly report), and the RDTL State Budget.* If any of these are wrong, we are ready to correct them. This was not a deep investigation on La’o Hamutuk’s part – except for the time spent trying to contact ANP, we spent about three hours researching and writing this article. It is not a complicated issue.
We join with some blog commentators in appreciating ANP's transparency. We have long welcomed the Authority’s openness and willingness to dialogue, as well as the information it makes available on its website and elsewhere, which is often more transparent than the law requires. We hope that this experience does not intimidate ANP into secrecy – one consequence of transparency is that people will read what is made public, sometimes resulting in uncomfortable, if useful, public discussions.
As La’o Hamutuk encourages transparency for state institutions, we try to practice it ourselves. Information about our programs, funding sources, expenditures and other activities is in the six-month and annual reports available on our website. You can read that we provide health insurance for our staff, partially subsidizing international insurance for those who prefer it or reimbursing medical costs through a self-insurance fund maintained by the organization. This is explained in the proposals we make to the three generous donors who support La’o Hamutuk’s work, and they agree by granting us money. That is all we are asking of ANP: to allow the ‘funders’ of their activities – the citizens of Timor-Leste through their elected representatives – to approve their budget and revenues.
La’o Hamutuk is an independent organization which does not accept funding from any institution with a significant interest in Timor-Leste – including those named by anonymous blog commentators alleging guilt by association. For 12 years, we have tried to practice equality and participation – our national and international staff have the same salary and responsibilities; we have no director and work as a non-hierarchical collective. We are not perfect, but we try hard to avoid many of the negative patterns mentioned by some commentators. We welcome more informed discussion.
Some defenders of health care privileges argue that ANP staff play a key role in Timor-Leste (petroleum projects under their regulation bring in most state revenues), and therefore need good health care. We agree, and believe that this principle also applies to police officers, teachers, nurses, public servants and others working for the State of Timor-Leste, which is why we have long encouraged Government and Parliament to allocate more money to the public health care system, including prevention. In addition to longer lives and less sickness, this will have many benefits: better school attendance, more effective public institutions, a more productive private sector, increased tourism and better health for everyone.
[As an aside, the one La’o Hamutuk staff who comes from the United States urges people NOT to look to the USA as a model for health care, as it has failed miserably in this area, with special interests (insurance companies and private health-care companies) driving up health care costs and making it unaffordable for many people. Timor-Leste, which is more democratic, should do much better.]
In the spirit of free speech and open exchange of ideas, La’o Hamutuk will continue to publish all comments to our blog, even if they are anonymous. However, if you believe in what you are writing, we hope you will be brave enough to sign it. Thank you.
* These links go to the websites of these institutions, which don't always work. For links to the same documents on La'o Hamutuk's website, please refer to the original blog posting.
The article closed with the paragraph: “In many resource-curse afflicted countries, people with the opportunity to skim money from oil and gas activities become a privileged, corrupt class. We do not think this has happened yet in Timor-Leste, and hope it never will.” We encouraged readers to pay more attention, as ANP’s tender announcement had already been printed in many newspapers, but almost none of the citizens, Parliamentarians or public officials we mentioned it to had noticed it or realized its implications.
Our short article stimulated coverage on local television and newspapers, commentary by Parliamentarians, editorial writers and others, and lively discussions on Facebook, email lists, and La’o Hamutuk’s blog. Many reactions were substantive, and we appreciate people with thoughtful views on all sides of the issue, as our intention in writing the article was to encourage debate. Unfortunately, some respondents – especially those unwilling to give their names in comments on our blog – chose to make personal attacks against La’o Hamutuk, our motivations, or our staff.
This response tries to explain some facts and ideas that we left out of the initial article to keep it short and to the point. Although we will address some side issues, we hope that the discussion will continue to focus on the principal issue – democratic processes for allocating natural resources belonging to the people of Timor-Leste.
According to media reports, ANP President Gualdino da Silva considers La’o Hamutuk’s article “defamation,” says that we are “without ethics,” and that we should have contacted ANP before writing the article. In fact, we spoke on the telephone with ANP staff three times before writing the article, and visited their office, but nobody was available and/or willing to provide any information beyond what had been in the newspaper ad. We also emailed President Gualdino at the same time we posted the article, encouraging him to respond either on the blog or to us directly, and promising to publish his response. We have not heard from him.
The facts in our article come from documents published by the ANP (their newspaper advertisement and quarterly report), the ANP’s Decree-Law and Bylaws, the Central Bank (Petroleum Fund quarterly report), and the RDTL State Budget.* If any of these are wrong, we are ready to correct them. This was not a deep investigation on La’o Hamutuk’s part – except for the time spent trying to contact ANP, we spent about three hours researching and writing this article. It is not a complicated issue.
We join with some blog commentators in appreciating ANP's transparency. We have long welcomed the Authority’s openness and willingness to dialogue, as well as the information it makes available on its website and elsewhere, which is often more transparent than the law requires. We hope that this experience does not intimidate ANP into secrecy – one consequence of transparency is that people will read what is made public, sometimes resulting in uncomfortable, if useful, public discussions.
As La’o Hamutuk encourages transparency for state institutions, we try to practice it ourselves. Information about our programs, funding sources, expenditures and other activities is in the six-month and annual reports available on our website. You can read that we provide health insurance for our staff, partially subsidizing international insurance for those who prefer it or reimbursing medical costs through a self-insurance fund maintained by the organization. This is explained in the proposals we make to the three generous donors who support La’o Hamutuk’s work, and they agree by granting us money. That is all we are asking of ANP: to allow the ‘funders’ of their activities – the citizens of Timor-Leste through their elected representatives – to approve their budget and revenues.
La’o Hamutuk is an independent organization which does not accept funding from any institution with a significant interest in Timor-Leste – including those named by anonymous blog commentators alleging guilt by association. For 12 years, we have tried to practice equality and participation – our national and international staff have the same salary and responsibilities; we have no director and work as a non-hierarchical collective. We are not perfect, but we try hard to avoid many of the negative patterns mentioned by some commentators. We welcome more informed discussion.
Some defenders of health care privileges argue that ANP staff play a key role in Timor-Leste (petroleum projects under their regulation bring in most state revenues), and therefore need good health care. We agree, and believe that this principle also applies to police officers, teachers, nurses, public servants and others working for the State of Timor-Leste, which is why we have long encouraged Government and Parliament to allocate more money to the public health care system, including prevention. In addition to longer lives and less sickness, this will have many benefits: better school attendance, more effective public institutions, a more productive private sector, increased tourism and better health for everyone.
[As an aside, the one La’o Hamutuk staff who comes from the United States urges people NOT to look to the USA as a model for health care, as it has failed miserably in this area, with special interests (insurance companies and private health-care companies) driving up health care costs and making it unaffordable for many people. Timor-Leste, which is more democratic, should do much better.]
In the spirit of free speech and open exchange of ideas, La’o Hamutuk will continue to publish all comments to our blog, even if they are anonymous. However, if you believe in what you are writing, we hope you will be brave enough to sign it. Thank you.
* These links go to the websites of these institutions, which don't always work. For links to the same documents on La'o Hamutuk's website, please refer to the original blog posting.