16 September 2016

Mai diskusaun kona ba ezbosu lei Impostu ba Valór Akresentadu

Foin lalais, Governu liu husi Ministériu Finansa hala’o konsultasaun públiku kona-ba Ezbosu Lei Impostu ba Valór Akresentadu (VAT). Maibé, konsultasaun públiku ne’e badak no la fó espasu di’ak ba públiku hodi fó sira nia perspetiva no análize ida ne’ebé kle’an kona-ba ezbosu lei IVA ne’e. Tanba ne’e, La’o Hamutuk sei realiza enkontru públiku ida kona-ba Ezbosu Lei IVA ne’e hodi fahe informasaun no fó oportunidade ba públiku atu husu pergunta no hato’o preokupasaun kona-ba Ezbosu Lei ne’e no ninia impaktu ba povu no ekonomia Timor-Leste nian.

La’o Hamutuk sei aprezenta analiza kona-ba Ezbosu Lei, no ami mós konvida ona reprezentante husi Ministériu Finansas no UN Women hodi fahe sira nia perspetiva. Partisipante sira mós sei iha oportunidade atu hato’o sira nia ideia, no ami espera katak ida ne’e sei sai hanesan kontribuisaun importante ba prosesu revizaun, molok hetan aprovasaun husi Konsellu Ministru no haruka ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu halo debate.

Ho oportunidade ida ne’e La’o Hamutuk hakarak konvida ita bo’ot sira atu mai partisipa iha Enkontru Públiku ne’ebé mak sei realiza iha:
Data     : 22 Setembru 2016
Oras     : 09.00 - 12.00
Fatin     : Salaun Enkontru Asosiasaun-HAK, Farol, Dili
Ho ita boot sira nia prezensa no partisipasaun hodi fó hanoin konstrutivu mak sei halo mudansa ba ezbosu lei ida ne’e atu garante katak lei VAT ne’e sei refleita interese no preokupasaun povu Timor-Leste hotu nian.

08:30  Registu partisipantes
09.10  Introdusaun MC/Moderador
09:15  Sr. Juvinal Dias, Peskizador La’o Hamutuk
     Oinsa Lei Impostu ba Valor Akresentadu (IVA) labele hamate povu kiak nia asesu ba seitor ekonomia
09:30 Sra. Camille Wauters, Espesialista Programa, UN Women
     Efeitu husi Lei Impostu ba Valor Akresentadu (IVA) tuir perspetiva jéneru
09:45  Sra. Fernanda Borges, Kóordenadora Komisaun Reforma Fiskál (KRF) - Ministériu Finansa
     Vantajen husi Lei Impostu ba Valor Akresentadu (IVA) ba Timor-Leste
10:00  Husu no hatan
12:00  Taka no snack

Atu hetan informasaun tan kona-ba prosesu reforma fiskal, klik iha ne'e.

Come to a discussion on the draft VAT law

The Ministry of Finance recently held a public consultation on the draft Value-Added Tax (VAT) law. However, the short consultation didn’t allow enough space for the public to analyse the law and contribute their perspectives, so La’o Hamutuk is holding a public meeting to share information and allow people to raise questions and concerns about the law and its impact on the people and economy of Timor-Leste.

La’o Hamutuk will present an analysis of the Draft Law, and we have invited representatives from the Ministry of Finance and UN Women to share their perspectives. Participants will also be able to express their ideas, which we hope will help improve the tax reform process before the law is approved by the Council of Ministers and sent to Parliament for debate and enactment.

Please join La’o Hamutuk in a free, public meeting at:
Venue : HAK Association, Farol, Dili
Date    : Thursday, 22 September 2016
Time   : 9am - noon
We hope that your participation will bring constructive ideas which can help to ensure that the draft VAT law reflects the interests and concerns of all of Timor-Leste’s people.

8:30    Registration
9:10    Introduction
9:15    Juvinal Dias, La’o Hamutuk Researcher
         The VAT Law should not prevent poor people from accessing the economy
9:30    Camille Wauters, Programme Specialist, UN Women
         Impacts of the VAT Law: a gender perspective
9:45    Fernanda Borges, Coordinator of the Fiscal Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance
         Advantages of the VAT Law for Timor-Leste
10:00  Q&A
12:00  Close and snack

Click here for more information on Timor-Leste's 2016 tax reform process.