04 September 2023

Congratulations to the State of Timor-Leste for defending the people of Burma

On 31 August 2023, La’o Hamutuk sent a letter of appreciation to His Excellency Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão for the firm position the State of Timor-Leste has taken to defend and value human rights and democratic principles for the people of Burma (Myanmar) who have been oppressed by the military junta for years.

This solidarity action makes Timor-Leste proud, as we continue to show the world our consistency, how a small nation can hold its principles high, with human values which have not yet resolved the long suffering of Myanmar’s people.

La’o Hamutuk strongly supports Timor-Leste’s Government in protesting the position of the Myanmar military regime which expelled the Chargé d’Affaires who headed Timor-Leste’s diplomatic presence in Myanmar. This also shows that the dictatorial regime there remains strong, and operates with impunity. We continue to ask the military dictatorship to end the suffering and torture it is inflicting on innocent people there.

Dictatorial systems always use power and force and rarely show good will, therefore to end this suffering takes courage to follow a democratic path. We ask the leaders of all ASEAN nations not to close their eyes to the massive suffering the people of Myanmar, regardless of ASEAN’s commercial or political interests.

03 September 2023

Kongratula Estadu Timor-Leste nia Pozisaun Ba Defende Povu Birmánia

Spanduk dehan “Ami nunka hetan tauk"
hafoin junta oho prisioneiru politiku nain haat.

Link to this blog in English.

Foin lalais ne’e, 31 Agostu 2023, La’o Hamutuk hato'o karta apresiasaun ida ba Sua Exelénsia Primeiru Ministru Sr. Kayrala Xanana Gusmão ba pozisaun firme ne’ebé Estadu Timor-Leste foti hodi defende no tau valór ba Direitus Umanus no prinsípiu demokrasia ba komunidade iha Birmánia ne’ebé hetan opresaun ba tempu naruk husi junta militár Mianmar. 

Asaun solidariedade ida ne’e, bele sai hanesan orgullu boot ba Timor-Leste hodi nafatin hatudu konsisténsia ita nian ba mundu kona ba oinsá nasaun ki’ik ida ne’e tane aas prinsípiu no valór umanu ne’ebé seidauk resolve hodi husik hela sofrimentu naruk ba povu Mianmar. 

La’o Hamutuk apoiu tebes Governu TL lamenta ho pozisaun husi governu rejime militár Mianmar nian ne’ebé espulse misaun diplomata liu husi reprezenta enkarregadu negósiu Timor-Leste iha Mianmar. Ne’e hatudu momoos rejime ditadura militár sei maka’as tebes iha Mianmar no impunidade kontinua buras. Ami kontinua husu ba ditadura militár iha Mianmar atu hapara forsa ne’ebé haterus no tortura povu ne’ebé inosente. 

Sistema ditadura sempre uza podér no forsa no nunka hatudu vontade di’ak, nune’e atu halakon sofrimentu hirak ne’e, tenke brani troka ba dalan ida demokrátiku. Husu ba lider nasaun ASEAN tomak atu labele taka matan no ignora sofrimentu barak ne’ebé Povu Mianmar hasoru tanba de'it interese komérsiu no polítiku.