Mai Akompaña La’o Hamutuk iha Asosiasaun ba Estudu sira Kona-ba Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste Studies Association ne’ebé hala’o tinan rua dala ida mak eventu esensiál ida ba peskizadóres Timor oan no internasionál sira, inklui sira ne’ebé mai husi sosiedade sivíl no akadémia, hodi fahe rezultadu estudu sira ba malu no troka koñesimentu entre sira. Ida ne’e oportunidade di’ak ida atu hamoris ligasaun no buka posibilidade ba kolaborasaun iha futuru.

La’o Hamutuk hakarak konvida partisipante TLSA no VU sira hotu atu mai tuir resepsaun ida iha ami nia servisu fatin iha Bebora, iha loron segunda, 3 Jullu, tuku haat lorokraik, ba snak no ko’alia malu informálmente.
The TLSA conference schedule is at and is updated regularly. Researchers from La’o Hamutuk will give seven presentations, summarized below. We hope you will participate in some of our sessions; please confirm rooms and times on the final schedule.
Oráriu konferénsia TLSA nian bele hetan iha no atualiza regulármente. La’o Hamutuk nia peskizadór sira sei fahe aprezentasaun hitu. Ami hein katak ita boot sira sei mai tuir sesaun balun husi ami nia aprezentasaun hitu ne’e; Keta haluha konfirma fila fali fatin no oras hotu iha oráriu final nian.
Oil, Debt and Sustainability: Timor-Leste’s Borrowing Plans and their Implications for the Future
By Niall Almond. Powerpoint or PDFIn 2012, Timor-Leste began borrowing from international institutions to finance infrastructure projects, and since then it has signed twelve loan contracts. The country’s petroleum resources are almost depleted, and the non-oil economy has not substantially improved, with most growth fuelled by government spending of oil money. Advisers and other independent observers have warned the government about taking on debt given the current economic outlook; however, the 2017 State Budget plans to borrow more than ever before. This paper will examine Timor-Leste’s current and future borrowing, the projects that are being prioritised, and the dangers this poses to Timor-Leste’s economic sustainability. It also discusses other countries which found themselves unable to pay large loans, and suggests how Timor-Leste can avoid the same fate.
As Bayu-Undan Dries Up: Challenges and Opportunities
By Charles Scheiner. Powerpoint or PDFRevenues from petroleum may no longer be able to feed Timor-Leste’s economy and state finances, and the nation must find other nutrition. For the first 14 years of independence, money from oil and gas exports – primarily the Bayu-Undan field – nourished the creation of democratic state institutions and helped people emerge from a generation of brutality, war and devastation. But the oil era is ending: 97% of the expected revenue from developed fields had been received by the end of 2016, and prospects for additional extractive income are uncertain. This paper will explore the history of oil and gas in Timor-Leste, possibilities for additional revenues, and the recurring dream of external sources of wealth. It will also touch on some more sustainable alternatives based on the country’s human and renewable resources.
Malisan Rekursu iha Timor-Leste: Hosi Jestaun Fundu Petrolíferu no polítika orsamentál Timor-Leste
Husi Juvinal Dias. Session 4, Room AIha 2005, Timor-Leste estabelese Fundo Petrolíferu nudár meius investimentu finanseiru atu jere nia rendimentu Petrolíferu bai benefísiu jerasaun ohin no futuru nian. Fundu ne’e iha nia regra hodi investe iha forma asoens no títulu estadu. Nune'e mós estabelese prinsipiu sustentabilidade nudár matadalan bainhira halo levantamentu ba Orsamentu Jerál estadu tinan-tinan. Fundu sai tiha fontes prinsipál ba Timor-Leste nia ekonomia. Iha levantamentu lubuk Fundu liu Rendimentu Sustentável Estimativa (RSE) ne’ebé sei fó impaktu ba sustentabilidade Timor-Leste. Levantamentu sira ne’e maiór parte atu finansia mega projetu sira ne’ebé Governu deside ona iha nia Planu Estratéjiku Dezenvolvimentu Nasional. Peskiza ida ne’e sei sukat oinsá jestaun Fundu Petrolíferu no polítika fiskál hadalan malisan rekursu mai Timor-Leste, oinsá ho futuru Fundu, retornu investimentu no planu levanta RSE liu dala tolu kada tinan hosi 2018-2021.
Dezenvolvimentu Projetu Infrastrutura Sira no Dezafiu ba Implementasaun Lisensamentu Ambientál iha Timor-Leste
Husi Adilsonio da C. Junior. Powerpoint ka PDFTimor-Leste nia konstrusaun infrastrutura fíziku sira iha mudansa ne’ebé signifikante hafoin hetan nia independénsia iha 2002. Mudansa ba implementasaun projetu infrastrutura sira ne’e lori risku oin-oin ba ita niameiu-ambiente, balada fuik sira no mós sosiedade afetadu sira nia moris ba tempu naruk. Iha nivel pratika, projetu na’in sira dala ruma viola tiha atu implementa enkuadramentu legal sira kona ba lisensamentu ambientál ne’ebé governu estabelese ona hodi regula kona ba atividade projetu no sai pratika di’ak ne’ebé implementador projetu infrastrutura sira tenke kumpre. Estudu ida ne’e sei fornese dadus no informasaun importante ne’ebé instituisaun interesadu oin-oin bele utiliza ba dezeña sira programa no mós sai informasaun baze ba peskizadór sira seluk atu halo programa peskiza iha futuru oin mai.
Dezafiu ba Indústria Ki’ik Prosesamentu Produtu Agríkola iha Timor-Leste
Husi Maxi Tahu. Session 5, Room EPeskiza kona-ba dezafiu no oportunidade indústria ki’ik prosesamentu produtu agríkola ne'e buka atu komprende fatór tékniku no polítika sira ne'ebé sai dezafiu ba kreximentu indústria ki’ik prosesamentu produtu agríkola iha Timor-Leste. Peskiza ne'e mós halibur informasaun kona-bá poténsia indústria sira ne'e nian no halo analiza kona ba fatór sira ne'ebé sai obstákulu ba poténsia sira ne'e. Rezultadu husi peskiza ne'e sei oferese dadus nesesáriu atu kria polítika públiku ne'ebé akomoda kreximentu setór indústria ki’ik iha rai-laran. Peskiza ne'e uza metodolojia kualitativa ho kombinasaun entrevista individual no diskusaun grupu, hodi rona esperiénsia no ideas sira husi parte sira ne'ebé durante ne'e diretamente halo prosesamentu ba produtu agríkola no parte sira ne'ebé involve indiretamente liu husi sira nia apoiu ba produtór sira. Respondente sira ba peskiza ne'e mak produtór ki’ik sira ne'ebé halo produsaun nudár grupu no mós kompañia privadu sira ne'ebé halo prosesamentu ba produtu agrikultura nian.
Bainhira Bayu-Undan sei Maran: Dezafiu no Oportunidade sira
Husi Charles Scheiner. Powerpoint ka PDFRendimentu husi petroleum dala ruma labele ona kontinua atu apoiu Timor-Leste nia ekonomia no finansas estadu nian, no nasaun ida ne’e tenke hetan ai-han seluk. Durante tinan 14, osan husi esportasaun mina no gas – liu liu kampu Bayu-Undan, fasilita kriasaun instituisaun estadu nian, no ajuda povu atu sai husi periodu brutalidade, funu no estraga la halimar. Maibé mina rai sei remata lalais: ita simu ona 97% husi reseita husi projetu petróleu dezenvolve ona, no laiha serteza kona ba reseita tan. Aprezentasaun ida ne’e sei esplika istória peskiza no esplorasaun mina no gas iha Timor-Leste, posibilidade atu hetan rendimentu tan husi petróleu ka mineiras, no mehi nafatin atu hetan rikeza husi li’ur. Aprezentasaun mós diskute alternativa sira prátiku no sustentável liu, bazeia ba Timor-Leste nia riku soin umanu no renovavel.
Mina, Deve no Sustentabilidade: Timor-Leste nia Planu Empréstimu no nia Implikasaun ba Futuru
Husi Niall Almond. Powerpoint ka PDFIha 2012, Timor-Leste komesa empresta osan husi instituisaun internasionál hodi finansa projetu infrastrutura sira, no dezde tempu ne’ebá Timor-Leste asina ona kontratu empréstimu sanulu-resin-rua. Timor-Leste nia rekursu petrolíferu besik hotu ona, no ekonomia naun-petrolíferu seidauk iha mudansa boot - maioria kreximentu ekonómiku dezde independénsia akontese de’it tanba governu gasta osan mina no gás barak, la’ós tanba atividade produtívu. Ajénsia no observadór independente fó ona avizu katak Governu tenke kuidadu bainhira atu foti deve tan, tanba situasaun ekonómiku sei fraku hela. Maske nune’e, Orsamentu Estadu 2017 iha planu atu empresta osan barak liu kompara ho uluk. Paper ida ne’e sei analiza Governu Timor-Leste nia deve agora no iha futuru, projetu sira ne’ebé hetan prioridade, no impaktu ba Timor-Leste nia sustentabilidade ekonómiku. Paper sei diskute mós nasaun seluk ne’ebé foti deve ne’ebé boot no ikus liu sira la bele selu fali, no paper mós fó sujestaun lubuk ida atu oinsá mak Timor-Leste bele evita destinu aat hanesan ne’e.