Invitation to Public Meeting
Since Timor-Leste achieved independence in 2002 until today, four Timor-Leste governments advanced the development process without borrowing money from a foreign country or an international financial institution. But currently, the Government has enacted legislation, made diplomatic approaches, and taken financial actions to borrow money from foreign governments and institutions. Click for more information.
The question of borrowing has become a very important topic, and therefore La’o Hamutuk will organize a Public Meeting “Tamba sa Timor-Leste tenke deve? / Why should Timor-Leste go into debt?” with the following speakers: Kristin Sundell (expert on the impact of borrowing on third world countries), Jose Abel dos Reis (Advisor, RDTL Ministry of Finance), Rev. Fransisco Vasconcelhos (President of the Petroleum Fund Consultative Council) and Juvinal Dias from La’o Hamutuk.
This public meeting will share information about what the impact of borrowing from overseas will be on Timor-Leste, and to better understand the why the State of Timor Leste plans to borrow, and to compare the experiences of debt in other countries.
Date : Thursday, 15 April 2010
Time : 09:00-12.30
Place : Auditorium Liceu, Science and Education Faculty (FKIP)-UNTL
The public meeting is open to everyone, and will be in Tetum, with translation into English. For further information, please contact, or +670 7348703.
La’o Hamutuk is a non-governmental organization which monitors and analyzes the development process in Timor-Leste, in the areas of Natural Resources, Economics, Agriculture, Governance and Democracy. La’o Hamutuk distributes information through its Bulletin, radio program, website and public meetings.
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