An updated, expanded version of the presentation from this briefing is available for download as a PowerPoint presentation (14 MB), a color PDF (2 slides/page, 4 MB) or a black-and-white PDF (6 slides/page, 2 MB) for printing. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Invitation to a Media Briefing
Rights and Sustainability in Timor-Leste’s Development
Friday, 9 March 2012
10:00 am – noon, followed by lunch
At La’o Hamutuk, Bebora, Dili
[Behind Dili Cathedral on the left side of the main road toward Bairro Pite. Map]
La’o Hamutuk, a Timorese NGO, has researched, monitored and analyzed the reconstruction and development of Timor-Leste for nearly twelve years. During that time, we have developed a lot of information about past, current and future prospects on a number of key issues which relate to the political future of this country. The briefing will present a brief overview and respond to questions about the following topics:
- Consequences and implications of oil and gas development in Timor-Leste, the most petroleum-export-dependent country in the world.
- Timor-Leste’s incomplete economy and rapidly growing state budget in this young, post-conflict, post-colonial nation, and how it affects people’s security.
- Sustainability, practicality and alternatives to the proposed Strategic Development Plan, Tasi Mane petroleum infrastructure project and impending foreign debt.
- The Greater Sunrise LNG plant and maritime boundary controversies with oil companies and Australia.
- Impunity and accountability for past crimes against humanity.
- Policies and predictions regarding people’s access to land.

Information on many of these topics is on La’o Hamutuk’s website and blog. The briefing will be in English and Tetum. Link to PDF version of this invitation.
Thank you for your interest and participation. Please let us know if you plan to attend by email to, phone to 332-1040 or SMS to 734-8703.