14 May 2014

Mai Selebra Hamutuk / Come Celebrate Together

Ami kontente tebes se kolega sira bele mai partisipa La’o Hamutuk nia aniversariu no diskusaun ho tema “Fronteira Maritima” hamutuk ho ami iha La’o Hamutuk nia edifisiu.

We are very happy to invite our friends to come together to celebrate La'o Hamutuk's anniversary in a discussion about Maritime Boundaries at La'o Hamutuk's office ... and a party.

Loron Kinta, 22 Maiu 2014
Thursday, 22 May 2014
14.00-16.30: Aprezentasaun no diskusaun nakloke ho tema “Fronteira Maritima”
16.30-16-45: “Tinan sanulu resin hat ezisténsia La’o Hamutuk nian” liafuan husi staff no belun La’o Hamutuk nian
16.45-19.30:Han hamutuk no palku nakloke

14:00-16:30: Presentation and open discussion about "Maritime Boundaries"
16:30-16:45: Brief comments from staff and friends on "Fourteen years of La'o Hamutuk"
16:45-19:30: Eat, drink and make music together, and enjoy!

Ami ne’ebe Konvida,Adilsonio, Alexandra, Armindu, Celestino, Charlie,  Ines, Francisco, Juvinal, Luciana, Mariano, Odete, Rosmenio


  1. Happy Birthday, La'o Hamutuk! May your dedication to democracy and justice in Timor-Leste never falter! With greetings of hope, solidarity, and fond memories of working alongside you,
    Elice Higginbotham

  2. Happy Birthday, La'o Hamutuk! Ho Ita hotu nia hamutuk iha didikasaun servisu hotu-hotu sei tatoli kontribuisaun signifikante ba progresu no dezenvolvimentu komunidade no rai doben ida ne'e.

    Emilio "Mane Lima" Vicente

  3. Caro Belun hotu iha La'o Hamutuk;

    Parabens ba ita nia aniversariu

    Espero ho aumenta tinan ida ne'e Ita hotu kontinua hamutuk hodi didika servisu tomak ne'ebe sei habiban mudansa diak ba ita nia komunidade iha progresu dezenvolvimentu rai doben ida ne'e.

    Hamutuk ho Ami, Ita sei La'o Hamutuk, hodi "Hakbi'it Ita Nia Komunidade ba Dezenvolvimentu Ne'ebe Kondusivel"

    Parabens La'o Hamutuk

    Emilio "Mane Lima" Vicente
