17 September 2019

Prémiu Solidariedade ba Saskia / Solidarity Prize to Saskia

Komité Popular fó Prémiu Solidariedade ba Saskia!

[English follows below]
Dia 10 Setembru 2019, Komité Popular ne’ebé organiza Konferénsia Solidariedade iha dia 27,28 no 29 Agostu 2019, oferese Prémiu Solidariedade ba mana Saskia Kouwenberg ba kontribuisaun boot ne’ebé nia halo ona ba Rai Doben Timor-Lorosa’e. Prémiu Solidariedade ne’e entrega husi Irma Maria de Lourdes Martins Cruz “Mana LU” no Prezidente Komité 12 Novembru Sr. Gregório Saldanha iha Balide, Centro Nasional Chega!

Nudár ema barak hatene, mana Saskia mak lori sai ba rai li’ur filmajen ne’ebé Jornalista Max Stahl halo ba masakre Santa Cruz iha tinan 1991. Mana Saskia lori filmajen ne’e ho maneira barani no determinadu tebes, ikus mai filmajen ida ne’e konsege loke koñesimentu iha nasaun barak no muda prioridade povu no nasaun boot nian kona-ba Indonézia no loke dalan ba Timor-Lorosa’e nia libertasaun.

Mana Saskia mós ativista solidariedade ne’ebé apoiu Timor-Leste ba tinan barak, iha Australia no Netherlands. No mós koordenadóra iha ba Projetu Observadór husi International Federation for East Timor (IFET-OP) iha 1999, Mana Saskia sempre hamriik hamutuk iha povu Timor-Leste nia sorin hamutuk ho kolega solidariedade sira seluk durante tinan barak hodi luta ba auto determinasaun rai doben nian.

Hafoin Konsulta Popular mana Saskia mós involve iha konsultasaun, peskiza no diskusaun sira atu harii organizasaun La’o Hamutuk iha tinan 2000.

Obrigadu barak, mana Saskia, kolega Solidariedade Internasionál tomak, ita-boot sira sempre hetan fatin iha uma Timor-Leste nian. Defende nafatin justisa no solidariedade Umana iha mundu rai Klaran!

As Lutas Kontinuam!

People’s Committee gives Solidarity Prize to Saskia

On 10 September 2019, the People’s Committee which organized the Solidarity Conference on 27-29 August offered the Solidarity Prize to Saskia Kouwenberg for her huge contribution to the beloved land, Timor-Leste. The Prize was presented by Sr. Maria de Lourdes Martins Cruz “Mana LU” and the President of the 12 November Committee, Mr. Gregório Saldanha at the Centro Nasional Chega! in Balide.

As many people know, Saskia was the one who brought the film of the 12 November 1991 Santa Cruz massacre, made by journalist Max Stahl, to the rest of the world. Saskia’s determined and courageous carrying the film awakened many people worldwide to the reality of Indonesia’s occupation, moving national priorities and opening the way for Timor-Leste’s liberation.

Saskia was a solidarity activist who supported Timor-Leste for many years, in Australia and the Netherlands, and was a coordinator of the International Federation for East Timor Observer Project (IFET-OP) in 1999. Saskia always stood together with the Timorese people, alongside other solidarity friends, in the long struggle for this country’s self-determination.

After the 1999 Referendum, Saskia was involved in the consultations, research and discussions which led to the formation of the La’o Hamutuk organization in 2000.

We greatly appreciate mana Saskia and all international solidarity colleagues. You will always have a home in Timor-Leste. Continue to defend justice and human solidarity throughout the world!

The struggles continue!

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