17 March 2022

Eleisaun Prezidensiál 2022: Eleitor Hotu iha Direitu Hanesan atu Partisipa

Hasoru eleisaun prezidensiál 19 de Marsu 2022, La’o Hamutuk esforsu atu fahe informasaun importante ba públiku liu husi ami nia webpage no mós liu husi ami nia programa radio “Radio Igualdade”. Lao Hamutuk prodús ona programa radio ida ho objetivu atu promove diskusaun substantive sira kona ba nasaun nia futuru liga ho eleisaun. Iha programa radio ne'e entrevista ho reprezentante husi grupu oin-oin, atu hatene sira nia lian no sira nia esperansa ba kandidatu prezidente foun.  Artigu blog ida ne’e, ami hakarak atu fó rezumu ba tópiku ida ne’ebé mosu iha programa radio kona ba perspetiva sira liga ho partisipasaun povu iha eleisaun presidential tinan ne'e. Programa radio kompletu bele rona online iha ne'e.

Direitu atu Partisipa iha Eleisaun Livre husi Diskriminasaun

Konstituisaun RDTL Artigu 7 hatete katak “Povu ejerse podér polítiku ho sufrájiu universál, livre, iguál, direta, sekretu.”  Artigu 21 hosi Deklarasaun Universal Direitus Umanus no Artigu 25 hosi Konvensaun Internasionál ba Direitu Sivíl no Polítika hatutan katak Estadu iha obrigasaun atu organiza eleisaun ida ne’ebé genuine (loloos).  Sidadaun hotu-hotu sein diskriminasaun iha direitu atu partisipa ho livre no ejerse sira nia direitu ba vota hodi hili sira-nia lider. Ne’e signifika katak iha prosesu eleisaun, la bele iha restrisaun diskriminatória inklui diskriminasaun bazeia ba seksu, lian, polítiku, relijiaun, no defisiénsia. 

Esforsu atu elimina diskriminasaun seidauk konsege hamosu igualdade iha nasaun laran. Ita hotu presiza tau matan nafatin ba asuntu importante ida ne’e. Ligadu ho eleisaun prezidensiál periodu 2022-2027, Lao Hamutuk hakarak fahe hanoin no esperansa maluk defisiénsia sira, husi organizasaun feto iha Timor-Leste, husi grupu alumni parlamentu foin-sa’e Timor-Leste.

Eleitor nia Lian no Esperansa      

Eleisaun Asesivel ona ka Lae ba Ema ho Defisiénsia iha Timor-Leste?

Tuir mai Sr. Joao Zito dos Santos, diretór Rae’s Hadomi Timor Oan (RHTO) reprezentante maluk defisiénsia sira iha Timor-Leste hato’o sira nia hanoin no esperansa liga ho eleisaun ba prezidente repúblika periodu 2022-2027:

Ami nia hanoin kandidatu se de’it mak povu hili importante mak sai matan, tilun, ibun ba povu kbiit laek sira no oinsá buka hatene ema hirak ne'e nia kondisaun inklui ema defisiénsia sira, atu oinsá partisipa iha desizaun sira liga inkluzaun sosiál, asesibilidade ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian.

Ita hotu hatene katak agora iha kandidatu hamutuk 16, númeru boot hanesan ne'e, nudár dezafiu ida ba ema defisiénsia sira, tanba liga ho buletin de votu la iha asesibilidade ba maluk defisiénsia sira, liu-liu defisiénsia matan iha Timor-Leste. Iha eleisaun tinan lima liu ba, maluk defisiénsia sira hatoos ona relatóriu no rekomendasaun sira liga ho ejijénsia no preokupasaun ema defisiénsia nian ba Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE) no Sekretáriu Téknika Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) atu konsidera oinsá eleisaun tuir mai bele iha kondisaun ruma hodi prodús mós bulletin de votu ho asesibilidade ba maluk defisiénsia matan sira, atu nune’e sira bele partisipa ho didi’ak iha eleisaun. Maske ami hato’o ona ejijénsia maibé la iha resposta no mudansa ba bulletin de votu, karik eleisaun agora mós nafatin la asesivel ba ema defisiénsia matan sira. Maske na’i ulun sira ko’alia barak kona ba inkluzaun no igualdade, maibé nudár retórika de’it no la tau iha asaun no implementasaun. 

Tanba ne'e, ami defisiénsia sira kontinua sai marjinalizadu iha estadu nia matan. Tuir lei inan garante katak ema hotu iha direitu hanesan. Tuir Konstituisaun Artigu 16 hakerek klaru kona ba Universalidade no Igualdade, maibé iha pratika, lei oan sira hanesan lei ba eleisaun nian la hare didi’ak ba prinsipiu jerál ne’ebé hakerek klaru iha konstituisaun. Situasaun ne'e nudár preokupasaun boot tebes ba ema defisiénsia sira.

Partisipasaun no Direitu Feto

Husi perspetiva jéneru, Diretóra Fokupers Sra. Maria Fatima Pereira Guterres (mana Fati) hato’o mós preokupasaun ida katak, prosesu eleisaun ladún sensivel no responsive ba asuntu jéneru ho mós inkluzaun nee rasik:

Ami preokupa tanba dala ruma situasaun emerjénsia mosu hanesan kazu violénsia sira ita la espera maibé sempre akontese no vítima sira tenke hetan protesaun husi uma mahon sira. Ligadu ho sistema eleisaun nian, ami hare la sensivel no responsive hodi fasilita vítima sira ba vota. Tuir regulamentu formal katak, ema hotu ba vota tenke iha kartaun eleitorál ka dokumentu ofisiál ruma, no vítima barak ho kazu violénsia bazeia ba jéneru halai sai husi uma la hodi dokumentu hirak nee, no la iha sistema di’ak atu fasilita, entaun sira lakon direitu ba vota.

Diretóra haktuir katak, hala’o ona esforsu barak maibé seidauk iha mudansa hodi fasilita vítima no maluk kbiit laek sira iha eleisaun.

Perspetiva husi Joven

Tuir joven feto Celina Soares Franklin nudár membru ba organizasaun alumni parlamentu foin-sa’e Timor-Leste:

Kampaña eleisaun prezidensiál tinan ne'e kompetitivu tebes tanba iha kandidatu feto na’in 4 husi kandidatu na’in 16 ne’ebé kompete iha eleisaun periodu tinan ne’e. Ho kandidatu feto sira, hatudu katak iha mudansa pozitivu liga ho luta ba igualdade jéneru nian no garantia katak feto partisipa ativu iha vida polítika, ekonomia, sosiál no kulturál.

Espera katak kampaña tinan nee lider sira labele insultu malu, maibé tenke hato’o sira nia programa no estratéjia sira ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian, oinsá ema hotu tenke kria situasaun amigavel no hakmatek hodi hametin pas no estabilidade. Nudár joven no estudante, husu ba kandidatu se-se de’it mak sei eleitu ba Prezidente Repúblika, tenke ejerse ita boot sira nia knaar tuir konstituisaun RDTL, halo ligasaun, diálogu no komunikasaun di’ak ho órgaun soberania sira seluk atu garantia moris hakmatek, justu no pás.


Povu Timor-Leste bele orgullu katak durante periodu independénsia, Timor-Leste konsege realiza ona eleisaun ne’ebé demokrátiku, dame, no livre husi violénsia.  Kometimentu povu ba prinsipiu demokrátiku no pas sai forte nafatin. Maske nune’e ita presiza halo nafatin esforsu atu asegura katak ema hotu bele realiza sira nia direitu demokrátiku livre husi diskriminasaun. 

Hanesan ho eleisaun uluk, staff La’o Hamutuk sei partisipa iha eleisaun, no hola parte mós nudár observadór. Knaar observadór mak atu monitoriza prosesu eleisaun, atu identifika forsa no frakeza sira iha prosesu, inklui identifika dezafiu ne’ebé eleitor defisiénsia no eleitor feto sira hasoru. Ami sei fornese rezultadu husi ami nia monitorizasaun ba autoridade relevante hodi bele kontinua nafatin hadi’ak, hametin prosesu demokrátiku iha Timor-Leste. Mai ita hotu suporta malu atu realiza eleisaun demokrátiku ho inkluzivu liu!  Viva povu Timor-Leste!

02 March 2022

Proposta Santos nian ba harii CCS iha Bayu-Undan La’ós Solusaun Loos no La Onestu

 Komunikadu Imprensa, 1 Marsu 2022 [link to English version

Empreza petróleu no gás Australianu Santos, operadór iha kampu Bayu-Undan, daudaun ne’e hakarak atu realiza projetu Kaptura no rai Karbonu (Carbon Capture and Storage – CCS) iha fatin kampu Bayu-Undan bainhira hotu iha 2023 ka 2024. Ne’e signifika katak gás karbonu dioxida ne’ebé sai ona hanesan emisaun ka lixu husi produsaun gás naturál sei hatama ka rai iha tasi okos iha tasi Timor-Leste nian.

Projetu CCS Santos nia intensaun loloos atu uza fatin mamuk Bayu-Undan nian ba rai karbonu dioxida husi projetu gás Barossa iha territóriu Austrália nian, ida ne’ebé sei lori gás ba Planta Darwin LNG no rai fali karbonu iha Kampu Bayu-Undan. La iha benefísiu ida mai Timor-Leste husi gás Barossa - maibé Santos hein Timor-Leste bele fornese fatin atu rai hela emisaun husi sira nia projetu.

Kompañia Santos hasoru hela problema boot ida, tanba gás naturál husi Kampu Barossa, sei emite montante karbonu ne'ebé aas tebes. Gás naturál iha Kampu Barossa kahur ho nivel karbonu aas liu. Kompañia ne’e bele hasoru susar atu evita husi sira nia responsabilidade ba mundu ba emisaun ne’ebé sira sei prodús no susar mós ba sira atu buka dalan ba fa’an gás naturál ne’ebé rezulta husi projetu ho kontribuisaun maka’as ba mudansa klimátika. Santos rasik halo ona promesa atu atinje “emisaun net zero” iha tinan 2040, signifika katak sira presiza buka meius atu “kansela” sira nia emisaun liu husi hala’o atividade hanesan CCS. Infelizmente, konseitu “emisaun net zero” signifika katak kompañia sira bele kontinua nafatin atu kria emisaun perigozu no hahú projetu mina no gás foun, maske peritu barak agora konklui katak mundu labele loke projetu mina no gás ida tan se ita hakarak proteje klima.

Jullu 2021, La’o Hamutuk publika artigu ida hodi kestiona planu atu harii CCS tanba konsidera kontra prinsipiu justisa klimátika no bele fó impaktu negativu boot ba Timor-Leste no klima global. Sai tiha ona preokupasaun públiku no global kona-ba impaktu husi atividade ema nian liu-liu husi atividade indústria estrativa ba mudansa klimátika ne’ebé husik hela krize grave klimátika kontra umanidade.

Barossa mak Kampu ne’ebé seidauk dezenvolve no tuir planu atu hahú produsaun iha tinan 2025. Maibé Santos hetan presaun kona-ba kometimentu ba Net Zero no aumenta emisaun ba atmosfera, tanba ne’e Santos introdús planu CCS atu permite produsaun Barossa bele la’o. Realidade katak teknolojia CCS seidauk forte atu garante ka bele konsege duni kaptura no rai hela emisaun tomak, no la bele kaptura emisaun husi kada aspetu produsaun no transportasaun gás too nia utilizasaun ne’ebé susar atu kontrola. Tuir kalkulasaun, projetu Kaptura no Rai Hela Karbonu iha Bayu-Undan bele konsege hamenus 28% husi emisaun total husi produsaun gás Barossa.   CCS la’ós solusaun efetivu ka justu, solusaun efetivu no justu liu mak la prodús projetu petrolíferu no gás foun hodi prevene prodús emisaun husi kampu no husi konsumidór sira hodi salva ita nia planeta husi risku grave liu ba tinan hira tuir mai.

Setembru 2021, Santos ho Autoridade Nasional Petróleu no Minerál-ANPM asina nota entendimentu ida atu hahú diskute posibilidade atu uza kampu Bayu-Undan ba rai hela karbonu. Nota entendimentu ida ne’e nudár konversa inisiál ida ne’ebé seidauk iha forsa legál ka desizaun atu avansa projetu CCS. Infelizmente Santos dadaun ne’e iha hela esforsu nia laran atu hasai sira nia difikuldade tomak kona ba issue ambientál ba projetu refere liu husi Northern Territory atu fornese lisensiamentu ambientál ba sira hodi uza kampu Bayu-Undan ne’ebé tama iha territóriu Soberanu Timor-Leste nian, ida ne’e reflete iha proposta Santos nian ba iha Autoridade Protesaun Ambientál Northern Territóriu (Austrália) - NTEPA Austrália nian.

15 Fevreiru 2022, La’o Hamutuk hakerek submisaun ida ne’ebé husu ba NTEPA atu haree proposta CCS husi Santos ho holístiku, liu husi analiza ne’ebé kle’an liu duke fiar de’it ba proposta haktuir ba interese husi Santos.   Autoridade ambientál sira ho podér no kompeténsia atu proteje povu sira, viziñu no mundu tomak husi kuidadu ba aumenta fo’er ba atmosfera no kontinua hamosu dezastre barak ba umanidade.

Ami mós preokupa ba asuntu balu ne’ebé foti ona iha soru-mutu entre Primeiru Ministru husi nasaun rua Timor-Leste no Austrália ne’ebé sita kona ba oinsá hametin kooperasaun di’ak ba dezenvolvimentu komérsiu gás nian inklui mós intensaun atu koopera hamutuk ba utilizasaun rai ka armazena karbonu.   Ami hein katak hanoin sira ne’ebé ami deskreve ona iha leten bele reprezenta ona kondisaun real ne’ebé Timor-Leste presiza tetu uluk lai antes foti risku boot no fiar katak Governu Timor-Leste sei la aseita ho lalais ba pedidu husi Kompañia sira nian ba harii CCS no dezenvolve Barossa maibé presiza ho prudente atu sukat ba kondisaun iha aspetu barak tantu lokál no mundiál hodi la aumenta tan volume ba krize ambientál.

Nudár ezemplu iha Marsu 2020 no Abríl 2021, Timor-Leste enfrenta kalamidade boot ne’ebé hamate ema liu 40, liu 15.000 husi hela fatin no riku soin barak hetan estragu. Impaktu husi mudansa klimátika mosu beibeik ona iha ita nia realidade, hahú husi udan been la tuir nia tempu, udan boot, bailoron naruk ne’ebé halo rai maran, bee maran hodi provoka hamlaha no kiak ba populasaun.

Nune’e, ita hotu iha obrigasaun atu haree asuntu mudansa klimátika ho kle’an liu, hahú husi fatór dominante sira ne’ebé kontribui boot liu. Esforsu global atu hapara atividade produsaun iha indústria estrativa nudár solusaun justu liu atu ajuda ita nia planeta bele fila ba estabilidade no hakmatek hanesan antes.

La’o Hamutuk hanoin katak oportunidade forte no sustentável liu mak investe ba ita nian ema, investe ba indústria transformadór sira ne’ebé sempre renovavel duke haree beibeik ba iha indústria mina no gás ne’ebé la barak, la sustentável no halo fo’er ita nia atmosfera no klima global.

Atu hetan konfirmasaun no klarifikasaun ruma bele liga ba Celestino Gusmão: +67077432621

Santos proposal for CCS at Bayu-Undan is not a true or honest solution

 Press release, 1 March 2022 [liga ba blog ida ne'e iha lingua Tetum]

The Australian oil and gas company Santos, operator of the Bayu-Undan project, wants to implement a project for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) in the Bayu-Undan field after it is exhausted in 2023 or 2024. This means that carbon dioxide (CO2), an unwanted byproduct of natural gas production, will be stored in the ground under Timor-Leste’s waters.

Santos’ CCS project intends to use the empty Bayu-Undan reservoir to store CO2 from its Australian Barossa gas project, which will pipe unprocessed gas to the Darwin LNG plant and pipe CO2 back to Bayu-Undan. Timor-Leste will not benefit from Barossa gas – but Santos hopes that Timor-Leste will provide a place to dump emissions from its project.

Santos has a big problem, because the natural gas from Barossa has a very high CO2 content. The company is responsible for its greenhouse gas emissions, and is looking for a way to sell natural gas from a project which will significantly worsen climate change. Santos itself has promised to achieve “net zero” emissions by 2040, meaning that it needs to find a way to “cancel” its emissions by doing something like CCS.  Unfortunately, the “net zero” concept could allow the company to continue to produce dangerous emissions and undertake new oil and gas projects, even though many experts have concluded that the world cannot begin new fossil fuel projects if we are to avoid worsening climate disaster.

In June 2021, La’o Hamutuk published an article questioning the CCS plan because it undercuts the principle of climate justice and will negatively impact on Timor-Leste and the global climate. This is already a public and worldwide concern, because human activities, especially extractive industries, are changing our climate, creating a serious crisis for humanity.

The Barossa field is not yet developed, but Santos would like to begin production in 2025. However, Santos is being pressured to keep its commitment to ‘net zero’ by not increasing its greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, Santos proposed this CCS plan to enable Barossa to go ahead.  In reality, CCS technology is not yet effective enough to capture and store most emissions, and it will not capture many emissions from production, transport and use of natural gas, which is difficult to control. Estimates show that the Bayu-Undan CCS project will only reduce the emissions from Barossa gas production by 28%.  CCS is not an effective or fair solution; a better option would be not to develop new oil and gas projects, to avoid producing emissions from extraction, processing or consumption, in order to save our planet from serious risks in coming years.

In September 2021, Santos and Timor-Leste’s National Petroleum and Minerals Authority (ANPM) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to begin discussing the possibility of using Bayu-Undan to store carbon. This MOU is an initial conversation without legal force, and is not a decision to move ahead. Nevertheless, Santos is seeking approval from the Northern Territory (Australia) Environmental Protection Authority (NTEPA), even though the CCS project will be in the sovereign territory of Timor-Leste.

On 15 February 2022, La’o Hamutuk wrote a submission asking NTEPA to look at Santos’ CCS proposal holistically, and to analyze it deeply, rather than only looking at Santos’ interests.  Environmental authorities have the responsibility and the power to protect their own people, their neighbors and the entire world, and they should be cautious about adding pollution to the atmosphere which continues to create disasters for humanity.

We are also concerned about issues discussed in the meeting between the Prime Ministers of Timor-Leste and Australia, such as “to deepen links between Australia and Timor-Leste in gas development and trade, including in the use of carbon capture and storage.” We hope that the ideas we mentioned above are considered before undertaking this risk. We trust the Government of Timor-Leste will not blindly accept corporate requests to move ahead with the CCS and Barossa projects, but will carefully weigh local and global aspects so as not to contribute more to the escalating environmental crisis.

Climate change already has many impacts and is our reality. For example, in March 2020 and April 2021, Timor-Leste was hit with disastrous flooding which killed more than 40 people, displaced more than 15,000, and destroyed many households’ possessions. We already experience unpredictable wet seasons, heavy rains, droughts and floods which exacerbate hunger and poverty for our people.

Therefore, each of us is obliged to look more deeply into climate change, beginning with the dominant factors which contribute the most. Global efforts to move away from production and use of fossil fuels are the fairest solution to help bring our planet back to stability and peace.

La’o Hamutuk believes that the strongest and most sustainable option is to invest in our people, through renewable, transforming industries, rather than always looking to the oil and gas industry which is not sustainable and damages our atmosphere and the global climate.

For confirmation or clarification, please contact Celestino Gusmão: +67077432621.