Laran triste no todan tebes rona katak belun boot Povu Timor nian, Mana Carmel Budiardjo liu ona ba mundu seluk. La’o Hamutuk espresa sentimentu triste boot ba Mana Carmel Budiardjo nian mate. Mana Carmel povu Timor nian amiga boot ida, no maluk solidariedade internasionál sira seluk.
Mana Carmel hamriik metin iha povu Timor-Leste nian sorin iha tempu difisil, durante okupasaun ilegál militár Indonézia nian iha Timor-Leste. Dezde 1975, nia apoiu Timor-Leste nia soberania, no hakerek livru importante tebes iha 1984: The War Against East Timor, ne’ebé loke ema barak nia matan iha mundu tomak. Nia kria organizasaun TAPOL iha Inglaterra iha tinan 1973, no NGO ida ne’e nafatin luta kontra violasaun direitu umanu no soberania iha Papua Barat no Indonézia rasik.
Hafoin husi rejime kruél okupante militár Indonézia uluk nian ho apoiu luta hamutuk entre povu Timor no maluk solidariedade, Timor-Leste ohin sai nasaun ida la ho prezensa rejime ditadura rai li’ur nian. Ami sente kontente iha maluk hanesan saudoza mana Carmel Budiardjo no kolega solidariedade sira seluk, mana Carmel nian maluk barak mak oras ne’e kontinua tau matan ba Timor no luta kontinua ba liberdade no direitus umanus iha rai sira ne’ebé sei iha hela okupasaun no rejime ditadura.Mana Carmel sedu atu rekoñese ligasaun entre direitu umanu no ambiente, no partisipa iha kriasaun rede balun atu avansa kampaña sira ne’e. Nia mós fó inspirasaun no motivasaun ba ativista barak iha mundu tomak, inklui ETAN iha EUA, no lori ema barak atu apoiu povu Timor-Leste, Papua no Indonézia.

Iha 2009, Governu Timor-Leste rekoñese mana Carmel nia kontribuisaun ho medalla, no nia mai Dili atu partisipa iha Konferénsia Solidariedade ne’ebé marka tinan sanulu hafoin konsulta popular. Ami orgullu atu organiza eventu ida ne’e, no bele lee mana Carmel nia diskursu iha ne'e.
With Jose Ramos-Horta and Charles Scheiner |
Obrigadu barak saudoza Carmel Budiardjo no maluk solidariedade internasionál sira seluk.
As lutas kontinuam.
Condolences to family and comrades who lost a great friend in Carmel Budiardjo
With James Dunn, Australia |
Carmel stood alongside the people of Timor-Leste during difficult times, under the illegal Indonesian military occupation. Ever since 1975, she supported Timor-Leste's sovereignty, and in 1984 she wrote an important book -- The War Against East Timor -- which opened people's eyes all over the world. In 1973, she created the organization TAPOL in the UK, and this NGO continues to campaign against human rights violations and for sovereignty in West Papua and Indonesia proper.
Now that the brutal Indonesian military has left Timor-Leste, thanks to the common struggle of Timorese people and solidarity friends, Timor-Leste today is a nation free of foreign dictatorship. We are gratified that our supporters, including the departed Carmel Budiardjo and many other solidarity colleagues, continue to keep an eye on Timor-Leste and to struggle for freedom and human rights.
Mana Carmel was early to recognize the connections between human rights and the environment, and helped create several networks to advance this campaign. She also inspired and motivated activists around the globe, including ETAN in the USA, and brought many people into movements supporting the people of Timor-Leste, West Papua and Indonesia.
With Tom Hyland, Ireland |
In 2009, the Government of Timor-Leste recognized Carmel's contributions with a medal, and she came to Dili to participate in the Solidarity Conference to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the referendum. We are proud to have helped organize that event, and you can read Carmel's speech here.
With Saskia Kouwenberg, Netherlands |
With tremendous gratitude to Carmel Budiardjo and other international solidarity friends.
The struggles continue.
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