Our English/Tetum web page on the election includes much more information, such as the names on each party slate, election laws, calendars, polling place lists and other materials.
La'o Hamutuk is distributing a Tetum-language poster "Think before going to vote" and brochure suggesting things for voters to consider before they vote. We have also produced a radio program highlighting important issues at stake, and another with voters' expectations. We distributed a questionnaire asking each party for their positions on key policy questions, and we will publish the responses as we receive them.
La'o Hamutuk is providing briefings on fundamental issues facing Timor-Leste, to help put the election in context. The briefing is a version of this presentation, and will be in English, free of charge to observers, journalists, and others who would like to understand the challenges Timor-Leste faces in transitioning from petroleum-export-dependency to sustainable, equitable development.
More than 30 people from 20 organizations came to the first briefing on 13 July. We will hold another on Tuesday, 18 July, from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at La’o Hamutuk’s office in Bebora, Dili. If you're interested but can't come at that time, please email laohamutuk@gmail.com and we may schedule another.
Hanoin molok ba vota! Whoever wins the election will decide and implement government policy for the next five years.
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