18 March 2020

Economics of Education / Ekonomiku Edukasaun nian

Tetum iha kraik
On 4 March 2020, the Institute Of Business and Monash University hosted a public discussion on “The Economics of Education”. Monash Professor Brett Inder presented his research findings, and the responding panel included Rui Gomes (also article), Berta Antonieta of La’o Hamutuk, Jose Monteiro of the Timor-Leste Coalition for Education, and IOB Professor Pedro Ximenes. (Click on each name to download their presentation.)

All presenters agreed that the government should invest more in education in Timor-Leste. Brett and Rui both discussed the financing of the education itself, and how investing in education will create human capital, resulting in economic benefits. Rui also discussed how Timor-Leste falls behind in international standardized tests, while Brett explained equity in access to education – that education is not only a classroom experience, and that unequal access results from parents’ income and location. Berta explained that education is not only to produce human capital and employment, but also improves the quality of people’s lives. The government should repair infrastructure, train teachers, and improve the curriculum. From her personal experience in a small class with only 20 students; with well-trained teachers in adequate infrastructure, these improvements would bring Timor-Leste up to international norms.

Ministries of Education have already made progress, especially by using Tetun as the language of instruction and curriculum. However, Timor-Leste’s investment in education remains at half the level of similar countries.
Iha 4 Marsu 2020, Institutu Bisnis (IOB) no Universidade Monash organiza diskusaun públiku kona-ba “Ekonomia Edukasaun nian”. Professor Monash nian Brett Inder halo aprezentasaun ba nia rezultadu peskiza, no panel responde ba tópiku refere, konsiste husi Rui Gomes (ho palestra), Berta Antonieta husi La’o Hamutuk, Jose Monteiro husi Koligasaun ba Edukasaun iha Timor-Leste no Pedro Ximenes Professor husi IOB. (Bele kliik iha sira nia naran ne’e hodi download aprezentasaun sira nian.)

Aprezentadór hotu-hotu konkorda katak governu presiza investe iha edukasaun iha Timor-Leste. Brett no Rui diskute kona-ba finansiamentu husi edukasaun no oinsá investe iha edukasaun bele kria kapitál umanu, no bele hamosu benefísiu ekonómiku. Rui mós diskute oinsá Timor-Leste nia valór ki’ik liu uainhira foti padraun teste international sira, no iha tempu hanesan Brett esplika katak asesu ba edukasaun hanesan ekidade ida, edukasaun la’ós iha klase laran de’it no dezigualdade asesu ba edukasaun mosu depende ba inan aman nia vensimentu no fatin jeográfiku. Berta esplika katak, edukasaun la’ós atu prodús kapitál umanu no servisu ho saláriu de’it, maibé mós aumenta kualidade ema moris nian. Governu presiza hadi’a infrastrutura, fornese formasaun ba manorin sira, no hadi’ak curriculum. Husi nia esperiénsia rasik, klase ho estudante na’in 20, manorin na’in ne’ebé hetan formasaun metin iha infrastrutura ida metin, buat hirak ne’e bele foti Timor-Leste hodi bele kompete iha teste padraun internasionál sira.

Ministériu Edukasaun sira halo ona progresu balun, liuliu iha uza Tetun hanesan lingua manorin no uza iha kurríkulu. Maske nune’e, Timor-Leste nia investimentu iha edukasaun nafatin sorin balun de’it kompara ho nasaun ne’ebé hanesan.

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