25 May 2022

Proposta Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira Planu 2023 / Major Planning Options Law

English translation below

Horiseik, dia 24 fulan Maiu, ONG Lao Hamutuk hato'o Karta Aberta ida ba Deputadu/a Parlamentu Nasionál, kona-ba proposta Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira Planu 2023 (Lei Grande Opsaun Planu). Ho karta ida ne’e, La’o Hamutuk hakarak atu kontribui ba avaliasaun no diskusaun ba dezeñu diresaun polítiku ida ne’ebé realistíku, ekitável no sustentável liu ba ita nian rain doben.

La’o Hamutuk apresia katak liu husi proposta Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira, planu Governu esforsu atu hatudu realidade no situasaun loloos husi finansas estadu, inklui fó projesaun katak Fundu Petrolíferu sei mamuk molok tinan 2035, no realidade reseita husi produsaun mina no gás nafatin hatudu tendénsia tun.

La’o Hamutuk husu Ministériu Finansas atu hadi’a no atualiza informasaun kona-ba projesaun ba despeza no reseita ba futuru. Ami nota katak Proposta Lei ida ne’e uza dadus finanseiru ne’ebé la inklui impaktu husi Orsamentu Retifikativu 2022, ne’ebé aumenta OJE 2022 ba biliaun $1.24. Iha ezbosu Lei nia laran, iha mós informasaun ne’ebé la konsistente, no ami preokupa katak projesaun ba reseita iha futuru inklui reseita la mai serteza, ka la iha evidénsia. Iha Karta Aberta ne’e, ami inklui informasaun kle’an tan kona ba preokupasaun hirak ne’e, no husu Ministériu Finansas atu fornese informasaun kompletu kona-ba sira nia estimasaun hirak ne’e, atu ajuda Membru Parlamentu no públiku bele avalia proposta ida ne’e, no komprende realidade situasaun finansas estadu inklui impaktu husi proposta lei ida ne’e.

Maske La’o Hamutuk apresia katak Lei Opsaun Prinsipál sira Planu kria oportunidade atu estabelese planu integradu ne’ebé kontribui ba objetivu espesífiku, ami observa katak Proposta Lei ne’e sita medida 263. Ne’e signifika katak proposta lei ida ne’e falta atu identifika “Opsaun Prinsipál”, maibé inklui lista medida barak la ho indikasaun medida ka programa saida mak sei hetan prioridade ka alokasaun boot liu. Iha Karta Aberta, ami identifika proposta programa ruma ne’ebé importante liu atu sai prioridade iha OJE 2023, inklui agrikultura ne’ebé orienta ba konsumsaun lokál, edukasaun, saúde, no bee mós no saneamentu. Hafoin Fundu Petrolíferu mamuk, sei la iha osan tan atu investe iha setór xave sira. Nune’e mak ita presiza uza oportunidade ida ne’e atu investe iha povu.

Iha Karta Aberta refere, ami mós identifika proposta programa balun ne’ebé ami konsidera la bele sai prioridade iha OJE 2023, inklui aeroportu regional sira no komponente Projetu Tasi Mane. Por ezemplu, ezbosu lei ida ne’e inklui “aquisição de terrenos e reassentamento da população”, maibé Projetu Tasi Mane iha hela inserteza. La iha razaun atu aloka osan ba dezlokasaun komunidade se viabilidade projetu ne’e seidauk klaru. Presiza prioritiza estudu independente kona ba kustu, benefísiu, no risku molok aloka osan tan ba implementasaun, hanesan ANPM no TimorGAP fó kometimentu atu realiza. Tuir mai, proposta Lei ida ne’e mós inklui estensaun auto-estrada iha Costa Súl ne’ebé liga ho Projetu Tasi Mane. Konstrusaun faze primeiru realiza ho kustu tokon $350 ba 30 km de’it - ho kualidade ne’ebé la di’ak no daudaun ne’e kondisaun balu hahú aat ona. Se Governu propoin atu kontinua harii auto-estrada ida ne’e, karik kustu tomak bele to’o $1.3 biliaun - maske estudu independente ba projetu ida ne’e seidauk hala’o. Mosu dúvida boot, benefísiu saida mak sei fó ba povu, no oinsá mak impaktu ba sustentabilidade finanseiru?

Bele hetan La’o Hamutuk nia Karta Aberta iha ne’e no informasaun tan iha ne’e.

La’o Hamutuk writes to Parliament about the proposed Major Planning Options Law for 2023

On May 24, La’o Hamutuk sent an open letter to the National Parliament about the proposed 2023 Major Planning Options Law. Through this letter, La’o Hamutuk hopes to contribute to the evaluation and discussion of the design of realistic, equitable, and sustainable directions for our beloved nation.

La’o Hamutuk appreciates that the Government has tried to describe the actual situation of Timor-Leste’s finances, including projections that the Petroleum Fund will run out by 2035, and the reality that revenues from oil and gas extraction will continue to decline.

In the letter, La’o Hamutuk asks the Ministry of Finance to improve and update information about projected spending and revenues. The proposed law does not include the 2022 Budget Rectification, which increased spending by $1.24 billion. The proposed law also has inconsistent numbers, and we are concerned that some projected revenues are not proven or explained. Our letter asks the Ministry of Finance to provide complete information about these estimates to help Parliament and the public evaluate this proposal and understand its actual impact on state finances.

We recognize that the Major Options Planning Law is an opportunity for the Government to establish an integrated plan to achieve specific objectives. However, this proposed law cites 263 measures; it does not identify “major options”, but instead lists a lot of programs without indicating which will be prioritized or receive a large allocation. Our letter identifies a few programs that should be prioritized in the 2023 State Budget, including agriculture oriented towards local consumption, education, health, and water and sanitation. When the Petroleum Fund is empty, there will be no money to invest in key sectors. We therefore need to use this opportunity to invest in the people today.

Our letter also identifies programs that should not be prioritized, including regional airports and the Tasi Mane project. For example, the proposed law lists measures to “acquire land and resettle the population” to make space for Tasi Mane, notwithstanding that the project may never be built. We need to prioritize an independent study of the costs, benefits and risks, before allocating more money to implementation, as ANPM and TimorGAP have already promised to do. Furthermore, the proposed law includes extending the south coast highway which is part of the Tasi Mane Project. Construction of the first 30 km of this highway cost $350 million, but the construction was poor quality and the road is in disrepair. If the Government plans to continue this highway, it could cost $1.3 billion more - although an independent study is yet to be undertaken. The raises major doubts - what are the benefits to the people, and what are the risks to the sustainability of state finances?

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