19 November 2021

Observasaun husi La’o Hamutuk kona-ba proposta Orsamentu Estadu ba 2022

 Link to this blog in English 

Nudár obrigasaun konstitusional, kada tinan Governu submete ba Parlamentu Nasional Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) atu diskute, halo mudansa no aprova. Loron 15 Outubru Governu aprezenta Proposta OJE tinan 2022 ba Parlamentu, agora daudaun Parlamentu iha hela audiénsia hodi rona perspetiva oin-oin husi instituisaun ka konvida organizasaun sira. La’o Hamutuk hetan konvite husi Komisaun C no oferese testemuña no submisaun iha loron 15 Novembru atu ajuda informasaun antes tama iha faze debate iha plenária. 

Ita bele hetan informasaun tan kona-ba prosesu no konteúdu OJE iha ne'e. Tuir mai, rezumu no informasaun husi submisaun ne’ebé La’o Hamutuk hakerek ba Parlamentu: 

Membru Parlamentu no públiku presiza informasaun loloos no kompletu antes foti desizaun, desizaun sira ne’ebé mai husi baze faktu no evidénsia forte mak sei hamenus posibilidade ba sala no deside futuru Timor-Leste iha diresaun ne’ebé loos. Nudár ezemplu forte mak presiza informasaun kompletu husi Ministériu Finansas no TimorGAP kona-ba revalorizasaun investimentu husi Fundu Petrolíferu iha Greater Sunrise husi tokon $700 ba zero. 

Projesaun ba futuru presiza halo ho sériu, kona-ba despeza rekorrente, despeza husi Fundu Infrastrutura no reseita petróleu. La’o Hamutuk nota katak iha Livru 4, despeza rekorrente kontinua sa’e 4% anuál iha kada liña, no despeza liu FI la muda husi 2022 ba 2026. Laiha informasaun kona-ba reseita petrolíferu hafoin 2023. La’o Hamutuk haree númeru sira ne’e la ho baze planeamentu ida sériu, no husu atu PN diskute kle’an ho Governu hodi hatene klaru kada programa no projetu sira ho kustu tomak no nian projesaun sira. 

OJE fó projesaun despeza la sustentável ba tinan tuir mai. Governu halo planu despeza la tuir situasaun finanseiru Timor-Leste nian, preve projesaun boot liu iha momentu ne’ebé produsaun mina no gas atu remata, fundu petrolíferu ameasa atu hotu no kapasidade ekonomia doméstiku seidauk forte atu sustenta nesesidade Estadu no Povu nian. Nune’e, ami sujere atu PN diskute kle’an ho Governu atu konsidera ita nian situasaun finanseiru no ekonómiku antes deside diresaun dezenvolvimentu ba futuru. Timor-Leste nian rezerva mina no gas kuaze konverte ona ba osan, ne’ebé agora investe hela iha merkadu finanseiru internasionál ne’ebé ninian flutuasaun ita labele kontrola, husi Fundu Petrolíferu uitoan ne’ebé ita iha, sei mohu leet de’it kuandu ita la uza ho matenek hodi ajuda harii rekursu umanu ida ne’ebé forte no harii setór produtivu ne’ebé sustentável iha rai laran. Nudár ezemplu, maske Governu atuál deklara atu halo avaliasaun ba planu harii Projetu Tasi Mane ho nian komponente sira, too agora ami seidauk haree prosesu avaliasaun maibé kontinua aloka osan hanesan tokon $1.5 iha 2022 no tokon $747 ba tinan 4 tuir mai, inklui alokasaun atu dezloka komunidade sira husi fatin ne'ebé karik nunka hetan projetu foun. 

Presiza informasaun kompletu kona ba impaktu husi empréstimu. Too agora Governu Timor-Leste halo ona empréstimu total liu tokon $500, husi empréstimu ida ne’e presiza iha liu tan informasaun kona-ba planu klaru ba desimbolsu no planu atu halo tan diskusaun ba empréstimu foun. Proposta OGE 2022 introdús bareira ba empréstimu foun mak tokon $410. Ami sujere ba Parlamentu Nasional atu diskute kle’an kona-ba implikasaun husi empréstimu ne’e ba tempu naruk Timor-Leste nian. 

Sistema orsamentu 'Bazeia ba Programa' seidauk la’o tuir objetivu no subar informasaun esensiál. La’o Hamutuk hanoin orsamentasaun bazeia ba programa di’ak atu hametin sistema orsamentál, maibé bainhira entidade sira aloka atividade oin-oin ba kategoria programa sira la tuir realidade, ka laiha konsisténsia, bele hamenus transparénsia no falta atu lori benefísiu ba prosesu orsamentál. Nune’e ami sujere ba Parlamentu Nasional atu diskute kle’an ho Governu hodi hadi'ak liu tan sistema orsamentasaun ne’ebé promove liu tan transparénsia no akontabilidade, no atu fornese informasaun kona-ba alokasaun ba kada órgaun no diresaun estadu nian. 

Tenke investe liu iha rekursu umanu, hanesan edukasaun, saúde, bee no agrikultura. Ami nota diferensa boot entre narrativa Governu nian sobre prioridade ba setór sosiál no ekonómiku no alokasaun sira, tanba iha proposta OGE 2022 Governu aloka de’it 17% husi total ba funsaun importante haat ne’e. Ami enkoraja atu Deputadu/a sira diskute no hamutuk deside diresaun orsamentál ne’ebé bazeia ba realidade atuál no ajuda duni povu ne’ebé merese liu atu hetan tulun. 

Labele fó subsídiu ba funsionáriu públiku bainhira komunidade rurais barak enfrenta hamlaha. Ami nota katak planu oferese subsídiu tokon $25 ba funsionáriu iha kontradisaun ho objetivu ne’ebé Governu define atu alkansa seguransa ai-han, hadi’ak nutrisaun no promove agrikultura sustentável. Ami sujere atu Governu bele organiza ho idea estratéjiku liu hodi oferese apoiu ba agrikultór sira duke funsionáriu públiku ne’ebé simu ona saláriu kada fulan. 

Ami hare erru no informasaun sala barak iha dokumentu OJE nian, no husu Governu atu fó informasaun loos no PN atu konfirma dadus sira iha livru OGE 2022.  Nudár ezemplu, Tabela 12 iha livru 1 hatete katak tokon $40.2 sei aloka ba EDTL, E.P. iha 2022, maibé alokasaun loos ho montante tokon $90. Aleinde ne’e, tokon $0.4 ba BTL, E.P., maibé realidade hamutuk tokon $17.  Total husi tabela 12 mak sorin balu husi alokasaun loos.  Bele haree tan ezemplu sira seluk iha ami nian submisaun. 

La’o Hamutuk fó rekomendasaun espesífiku ualu ba Parlamentu no Governu, ne'ebé bele hare iha submisaun.

La’o Hamutuk observations on the proposed 2022 State Budget

 Liga ba artigu ida ne'e iha Tetum

Every year, in accordance with constitutional requirements, the Government proposes the annual General State Budget to National Parliament for discussion, revision and approval. On 15 October, Government presented its proposal for 2022, and Parliament is currently holding hearings to hear various perspectives. La’o Hamutuk was invited by Committee C (Public Finances) to testify on 15 November and make a written submission (Tetum). Follow this link for more documents and analysis on the 2022 state budget. The following are some of the main points in La’o Hamutuk’s submission: 

Members of Parliament and the public need accurate and complete information before making decisions, which should be based on strong facts and evidence to reduce the chance of error and to move Timor-Leste in the right direction for the future.  For example, we need complete information from the Ministry of Finance and TimorGAP about the revaluation of the Petroleum Fund’s investment in Greater Sunrise from $700 million to zero.

Future projections should be done seriously, about recurrent spending, spending from the Infrastructure Fund and petroleum revenues. La’o Hamutuk notes that in Book 4, recurrent spending increases 4% on every line, and Infrastructure Fund spending is unchanged from 2022 to 2026. No information is provided about petroleum revenue forecasts after 2023. La’o Hamutuk believes that these numbers are not based on serious planning, and we ask Parliament to have in-depth discussions with Government to clearly understand the total costs and projections for each program and project.

The budget proposal includes unsustainable projections for future years. Government’s spending plans are not based on Timor-Leste’s financial situation, and expect major increases at the moment when oil and gas production will end, the Petroleum Fund will empty soon, and our domestic economy is not yet strong enough to support the needs of the State and the People. Therefore, we suggest that Parliament urge Government to consider our financial and economic situation before deciding the direction for future development. Timor-Leste oil and gas reserves have already been almost entirely converted to cash, which is invested in international financial markets whose fluctuations are beyond our control. The finite amount in our Petroleum Fund will be quickly exhausted if we don’t use it wisely to support building strong human resources and sustainable productive sectors.

For example, although the current Government has stated that it will re-evaluate the plan to build the Tasi Mane Project and its components, we have not yet seen the evaluation process but continue to allocate money: $1.5 million in 2022 and $747 million in the following four years, including allocations to displace community people from areas where the project may never be built.

We need more complete information about the impacts of borrowing. To date, Government has borrowed more than $500 million, and there should be more specifics about disbursement and plans for additional borrowing, which the proposed budget limits to $410 million in 2022. We suggest that Parliament explore the long-term implications of these loans for Timor-Leste.

The “program-based budgeting” system doesn’t meet its goals and hides essential information. La’o Hamutuk agrees that a budget base on programs is good to strengthen the budgeting system, but when entities’ allocations of their activities to programs doesn’t match reality, or is inconsistent, it reduces transparency and fails to improve the budget process. Therefore, we suggest that Parliament ask Government to improve the budgeting system to promote transparency and accountability, and to provide information about allocations to each state organ and directorate.

Timor-Leste should invest more in human resources, such as education, health, water and agriculture. We see a big difference between the Government’s talk about prioritizing social and economic sectors and the budget allocations – the proposed 2022 budget appropriates only 17% for these four important areas. We encourage the Members of Parliament to discuss this, and together to decide a budget direction based on current realities, to truly help those people most in need of support.

We should not subsidize civil servants while many rural communities confront hunger. We note that the plan to offer a $25 million food subsidy for government employees contradicts the Government’s stated goals of achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. We suggest that Government could find more strategic ways to support farmers themselves, rather than public servants who already get monthly salaries.

We noticed many errors in the budget documents, and ask Government to give accurate information, and ask Parliament to confirm data in the budget books. For example, Table 12 in Book 1 says that $40.2 million will be allocated to EDTL, E.P. in 2022, but the real amount is $90 million. The table says $0.4 million will go to BTL, E.P., but the reality is $17 million. The total in Table 12 is about half of the actual allocation. Our submission gives many other examples.

La’o Hamutuk offered eight specific recommendations to Parliament and Government, which you can read in our submission.

15 September 2021

Onshore oil drilling imminent despite serious concerns

In 2017, Timor-Leste's National Petroleum and Minerals Authority (ANPM) awarded two contracts for oil and gas exploration in Covalima, Ainaro and Manufahi municipalities to a partnership of Timor Resources and TimorGAP.  More information is on La’o Hamutuk’s website.

As the same time, the government proceeded with consultation on a law to regulate onshore petroleum operations, culminating in the enactment of Decree-Law 18/2020 in May 2020.

Although seismic exploration was conducted beginning in 2018, environmental assessment for drilling test wells began only in 2019, and the process was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Environmental documents are in La'o Hamutuk's environmental registry, including several rounds of revisions. 

Timor Resources intends to drill five test wells in Block A, Covalima. The ANPM granted an environmental license in July 2021, and drilling will start in late September.

ANPM recently held public consultations on the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the Rusa-1 test well in block C, in Ainaro near Manufahi. La'o Hamutuk wrote a seven-page submission, which made the following points:

  • This consultation was too rushed to allow thorough analysis of 800 pages of documents.
  • Neither the environmental consultant (Groene Ciorcal), the project proponents (Timor Resources and TimorGAP), nor the regulators (ANPM) have any experience with oil drilling on land, so special caution must be taken.
  • This assessment only considers the impacts of the test well, but if it finds significant oil, production will follow, with much greater environmental and community impacts. The assessment and consultation should consider the entire project cycle, as it make no sense to drill a test well if the production wells will not be permitted.
  • The EIS mentions the need to address climate change, but does not consider it seriously.
  • Many environmental and social impacts are not analyzed objectively or completely.
  • Plans for decommissioning and site restoration plans ignore important issues.
  • The EIS contains misleading and exaggerated claims of economic benefits.
  • Public consultations have not given communities complete and accurate information, or encouraged them to ask questions or raise concerns without intimidation or threats. Affected stakeholders should have the right to consent (or refuse consent) to drilling in their midst, and project proponents should treat the local community with respect.
  • ANPM, TimorGAP and Timor Resources have several conflicts of interest which make it difficult for this environmental licensing process to protect Timor-Leste. It should have been conducted by the environmental authority under the State Secretariat for Environment.

25 August 2021

Modernizasaun Agrikultura / Modernising Agriculture

English translation below

Aprezentasaun hosi Prof. Brett Inder

Setór agrikultura, sai hanesan asuntu ida ne’ebé importante ba Timor-Leste, tanba alende maioria populasaun (64%) nudár agrikultór, agrikultura hanesan fonte prinsipál ba komunidade bain-bain ate komunidade vulneravel sira hodi bele eziste no hadi’a kondisaun moris. Maioria komunidade agrikultór subsisténsia, ne’ebé depende de’it ba demanda iha merkadu no kondisaun fatin ne’ebé sira hela ba hodi kria atividade nudár ema agrikultura.

Nune’e iha loron 19 Agostu 2021, OXFAM organiza diskusaun virtual kona-ba “Modernizasaun Agrikultura” ne’ebé lidera hosi Prof. Brett Inder hosi Monash University, hodi esplika importánsia hosi agrikultura oinsá atu moderniza. Iha nia aprezentasaun esplika kona-ba oinsá atividade agrikultura bele absorve traballadór barak kompara ho atividade mega projetu tasi mane. Alende ne’e mós aprezenta sobre produtu agrikultura, peska no pekuária sira ne’ebé presiza hodi governu nia intervensaun hanesan produtu kafé, Maek, Naan, Ikan, no inklui batar atu nune’e atividade hirak ne’e bele iha sustentabilidade.

Atu garantia atividade hirak ne’e bele sustentável, governu presiza halo intervensaun liu hosi investimentu ne’ebé di’ak no iha konsisténsia, tanba agrikultura sira mós sente iha risku aas liu tanba ne’e agrikultura no negosiante sira sei la investe, tanba alende merkadu nune’e mós nia re tornu tuun liu. 

Atu klaru liu kona-ba matéria ne’e, bele asesu slides (PDF), video ka sumáriu relatóriu iha Tetum.

Modernising Agriculture: presentation by Prof. Brett Inder

Agriculture is an important sector for Timor-Leste, because most people (64%) are farmers, and agriculture is the principal way to improve people’s living conditions especially for vulnerable communities. Most people are subsistence farmers, depending on the needs of the market and the conditions of the place where they live and farm.

Therefore, on 19 August 2021, OXFAM organized a virtual discussion on “Modernising Agriculture” led by Prof. Brett Inder of Monash University, to explain the importance of agriculture and how to modernize it. His presentation explained how agricultural activities can provide work for many more people than the Tasi Mane megaproject. In addition, he discussed how agricultural, fishing and livestock products need government intervention, like coffee. Konjac (yam), meat, fish and corn are examples of sustainable activities.

To ensure that these activities are sustainable, government should intervene through effective and consistent investment. Farmers feel at risk when business people don’t invest, because the market return has fallen sharply.

For more details, see the presentation (PDF), video or report in English.

27 July 2021

Dili no Territóriu Timor-Leste: Presiza Avansa ho Planu Integradu no Inkluzivu

Inundasaun iha área besik edifísiu
Ministériu Finansa, 4 Abril 2021
Kuaze dékada rua liu ona, Dili no territóriu Timor-Leste la’o iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu nia laran. Maske nune’e, too ohin loron ita nafatin asiste katak sidade no territóriu tomak seidauk iha reziliénsia atu hasoru kualkér risku no perigu sira. Akontesimentu konkretu mak foin lalais ita hotu asiste ona kalamidade inundasaun boot ba dala rua dezde tinan kotuk, no foin lalais iha inísiu Abril 2021 ita nafatin hasoru inundasaun boot ne’ebé rezulta estragu barak ba infrastrutura públiku sira hanesan estrada, ponte, sistema eletrisidade, fasilidade saúde, eskola, estragu ba iha komunidade sira nia hela fatin no kuaze ema 44 mak tenke lakon sira nia vida. Ho esperiénsia sira liu ba bele sai ona hanesan motivasaun atu hatuur planu ida ne’ebé ho baze partisipativu, integradu no konsidera asuntu ambientál. Aleinde ne’e, importante mós atu hatuur povu nudár sentru ba desizaun hotu hodi konsidera no promove prinsípiu justisa, igualdade no inkluzaun.

Iha 29 Juñu 2021, liu husi serimónia Jornada Orsamentál 2022, Governu fó sai mós kona ba sira nia Planu Ordenamentu Territorial nudár sira nia prioridade xave no inisiativa espesífiku ba periodu 2022-2023 atu dezenvolve setór sira bazeia ba planu ordenamentu territorial inklui mós finaliza planu mestre iha sidade Dili. 

Saida mak sai kauza Dili no territóriu nafatin hasoru risku? 

Too ohin loron seidauk iha sistema planu no ordenamentu urbanu no rejionál ida ne’ebé bele hametin sidade reziliente liu ba dezastre sira no nia implikasaun mak ema barak harii uma iha fatin ne’ebé tama kategoria risku tuir sira nia hakarak tanba laiha opsaun seluk atu harii uma, nune’e fasil tebes atu hetan estragu no perigozu mós ba sira nia moris; (bele lee versaun artigu ne’ebé mai ho observasaun seluk tan ka rona program radio ho intervista ba hakerek nain.). 

Fatór seluk ne’ebé sai mós hanesan abut ba problema sira ne’e mak dezigualdade sosiál ekonomia ne’ebé obriga populasaun sira atu muda mai no konsentra hotu iha sidade. Sidade Dili sai sentru atrativu ba atividade hotu, empregu, atendimentu públiku sira, edukasaun iha nivel tersiáriu sira, saúde ho kondisaun di’ak liu kompara iha área rural, no mós sentru distribuisaun iha merkadu kuaze sentraliza iha Dili hodi rezulta taxa númeru populasaun iha kada tinan kontinua aumenta no susar atu kontrola. Razaun seluk Kapitál ida ne’e sai preferénsia mós atu buka moris tanba kampu servisu sira kuaze maioria iha Dili – Governu, organizasaun, ajénsia no negósiu sira maioria konsentra hotu iha Dili. 

Hatuur Planu No Ordenamentu Ne’ebé Integradu No Inkluzivu 

Tanba ne’e, Sidade Dili no territóriu Timor-Leste iha ona nesesidade atu avansa ho planu no dezenvolvimentu ida ne’ebé integradu, ekuitativu no inkluzivu mak ami hato’o rekomendasaun balu hanesan tuir mai ne’e.

Matéria Jornada Orsamentál 2022, Juñu 2021
Haktuir husi UN-Habitat 2014, fó sai hanoin balu kona-ba oinsá bele halo sidade ka área ida menus husi vulnerabilidade no menus husi perigu klimátiku, nune’e sira rekomenda katak importante mós atu iha adaptasaun ba kondisaun ne’ebé iha vulnerabilidade, liuliu kondisaun hela fatin, bele opta padraun sira atu konstrui uma ka infrastrutura sira ne’ebé bele prevene husi risku klimátiku sira. Nune’e, área hirak ne’ebé perigozu no fasil liu presiza iha bandu ba harii uma ka harii konstrusaun ruma bazeia ba nivel risku. Nune’e, di’ak tebes se bainhira utilizasaun ba rai no padraun atu harii uma ka konstrusaun ruma bele ajusta tuir área ida-idak, ezemplu hanesan iha sidade Dili, bele mós hatuur kontrolu no jestaun ba rai no bee atu identifika área hirak ne’ebé fasil liu ba bee sa’e, bele deside fatin balu atu sai hanesan área rezerva bee, aihoris, kultivasaun ka fatin desportu ruma ne’ebé bele absorve bee lihun no evita inundasaun.

Promove Prinsipiu Justisa, Igualdade no Inkluzividade ba iha área ka sidade ida

Halo planu tuir tendénsia ba mudansa sosiál, kulturál, ekonomia no konsidera oinsá ema hotu-hotu iha área ka sidade ida bele simu benefísiu. Signifika planu ka programa sira ne’ebé implementa presiza garante katak fó duni benefísiu ba populasaun hotu hodi haktuir ba polítika ne’ebé ho baze atu kompleta ema hotu nia nesesidade báziku sira hodi minimiza mós diskriminasaun iha sira nia moris loron-loron, liuliu sira ne’ebé mak vulneravel liu, hanesan ema ho defisiénsia, feto sira, labarik feto, ka sira ne’ebé ho nesesidade espesífiku inklui ema hirak ne’ebé idade ona, nune’e bele promove prinsípiu justisa no igualdade iha planeamentu hanesan tuir mai. 

Konsidera Populasaun Sai Sentru ba Desizaun

Governu hahú ona halo planu atu harii sistema drainajen iha sidade Dili, karik di’ak liu atu loke fali diskusaun públiku no fó oportunidade ba públiku atu hato’o hanoin sira antes atu konstrui ka dezeña fali bazeia ba kondisaun no desizaun populasaun nian atu nune’e la hasusar no haterus tan populasaun sira iha futuru hodi haktuir duni sira nia kondisaun moris. 

Razaun importante atu hadi’ak liu tan mekanizmu konsultasaun atu nune’e komunidade ka ba vítima afetadu sira bele intende no kompriende ho di’ak objetivu no materiais sira husi proponente projetu, atu bele rona barak liu komunidade afetadu sira nia preokupasaun, autoridade lokál, feto, ema ho defisiénsia sira, lia na’in, inklui sosiedade sivíl la’ós iha nasionál de’it maibé mós too nivel suku. Nune’e proponente bele konsiente liu no buka medida seguru ba vítima sira, atu la repete esperiénsia aat sira iha pasadu ne’ebé lori komunidade inklui feto no labarik, ferik katuas sira no ema ho defisiénsia hasoru situasaun ne’ebé la seguru no asisténsia ba kondisaun temporáriu no esperansa ne’ebé iha hela inserteza. 

Hakbiit Podér no Kapasidade Lokál 

Fó oportunidade ba rejiaun seluk atu hetan edukasaun ho kualidade, saúde ho kondisaun di’ak, asesibilidade ba bee moos no saneamentu, empregu, oportunidade ba iha kondisaun sósiu-ekonómiku ne’ebé estavel hodi atrai no aumenta sira nia vontade atu hela no dezenvolve rasik iha sira nia munisípiu. Iha parte seluk, presiza maximiza funsaun no kapasidade ba iha autoridade ida-idak iha kada munisípiu hodi bele enkoraja sira atu defini sira nia planu no determina tuir sira nia nesesidade iha area urbanu ka rural atu asegura katak area hotu bele iha kondisaun ekuitativu no tetu ba aspetu hotu tantu sosiál, kulturál, ekonomia no ambientál. 

Ita bele aprende husi pratika di’ak sira ne’ebé fó podér másimu ba autoridade lokál hanesan sidade São Paolo Brazil, no nasaun viziñu Indonézia. Iha kontextu Timor-Leste karik bele fó oportunidade ba podér lokál no nia komunidade sira rasik atu defini sira nia prioridade, liu-liu oinsá sira rasik bele halo planu tuir nesesidade urjénsia ne’ebé sira nia area presiza, tanba sira mak hatene kle’an liu sira nia difikuldade no dezafiu ne’ebé sira hasoru.

21 July 2021

LH Husu MAP Atu Lori Lian Povu ba Simeira Mundiál Sistema Ai-han

Link to this blog in English  

Iha dia 14 de Jullu, La’o Hamutuk no NGO sira seluk entrega karta ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas kona ba Simeira Mundiál Sistema Ai-han (Food Systems Summit, FSS). Simeira ne’e iha objetivu atu fó dalan ba nasaun sira oinsá realiza Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentável (SDGs) no dezenvolve planu asaun atu hametin sistema ai-han. Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas sei partisipa iha Simeira refere inklui iha enkontru primeiru iha fulan Jullu nudár pre-simeira ida.

FSS se Promove Modelu Agrikultura ne'ebé Di’ak ba Povu ka Lae?

ONU servisu hamutuk ho Forum Ekonómiku Mundial (World Economic Forum, WEF) atu realiza Simeira Mundiál Sistema Ai-han. WEF hanesan organizasaun ida ne'ebé reprezenta interese liu husi 1000 kompañia boot. Iha Karta ba MAP, La’o Hamutuk observa katak organizasaun sosiedade sivíl barak iha mundu tomak haree katak konkordánsia entre ONU ho World Economic Forum (WEF) hodi realiza FSS ne’e sei loke dalan de’it ba kompañia boot sira atu partisipa direta no diskute sira nia interese iha prosesu governasaun ONU nian duke buka dalan no fasilita partisipasaun povu hodi hamosu solusaun ne'ebé efetivu no justu ba povu agrikultór ki’ik sira.

Sistema agrikultura konvensional ne'ebé kompañia boot promove buka atu industrializa agrikultura ho mákina, venenu kímiku (pestisida), no fini íbrida ka GMO (variedade ne’ebé nia jenétiku modifika ona), fini ne'ebé agrikultór ki’ik sira rasik labele habarak no tenke sosa ka depende ba kompañia multinational no komersiante boot sira. 

Sistema hirak ne’e sei aumenta liu tan problema hamlaha no seguransa ai-han iha mundu tomak no sei hatodan liu tan agrikultór ki’ik sira nia moris tanba kontinua hasa’e kustu produsaun ai-han nian. Problema degradasaun ba rai, bee no meiu-ambiente kontinua aumenta, no produsaun agrikultura sai vulneravel liu tan. Estudu barak hatudu katak, dezenvolvimentu agrikultura iha nivel industrial ne’ebé domina husi kompañia multinasionál no transnasionál sira la fó kontribuisaun boot ba hamenus kiak no hamenus in-seguransa ai-han no malnutrisaun, no bele estraga bee no ambiente no fó risku ba saúde.

Modelu agrikultura familiar no agro-ekolojia mak konserva diversidade iha produsaun, no sai fundasaun forte ba diversifikasaun produsaun ai-han. Sistema produsaun diversifikadu di’ak liu ba rai, ambiente no iha vulnerabilidade ki’ik liu ba mudansa klimátika. Tuir mai Organizasaun Ai-Han Mundiál (Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO) rekoñese ona importánsia husi modelu ne’e hodi dedika dékada ida ne’e (2018-2028) nudár dékada ba agrikultura familiar.  Tuir FAO agrikultura familiar sei sai xave importante tebes hodi atinje agenda Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentável 2030 nian ne’ebé Timor-Leste mós adopta hela. Agrikultura familiar la kontra modernizasaun maibé foka liu ba adaptasaun teknolojia no inovasaun foun ne’ebé mak efetivu no sustentável liu, ne'ebé adapta ba matenek no rekursu lokál sira.

Presiza Hametin Knaar Povu Nian iha Governasaun Sistema Ai-Han

Enkontru FSS iha planu mós atu kria organizasaun sientífiku foun iha sistema ONU nian ho naran Science-Policy Interface (SPI). Objetivu SPI atu ajuda prosesu governasaun liu husi fasilita peskiza no analiza husi peritu no matenek na’in sira. Nudár ezemplu ida mak organizasaun IPCC ne'ebé sai hanesan SPI ba asuntu mudansa klimátika. 

Tuir loloos, ONU nia Komité ba Seguransa Ai-Han (Committee for Food Security - CFS) kria ona SPI ida, ho naran High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE). Komité ida ne’e eziste ona dezde tinan 2010, no konsege fasilita partisipasaun sosiedade sivíl no grupu indíjena sira iha sira nia atividade.  Infelizmente, objetivu husi FSS atu hamenus knaar HLPE no troka ho SPI foun ne'ebé sei menus akontabilidade tanba kompostu husi setór privadu no sientista sira, no ladún loke ba partisipasaun sosiedade sivíl.

Ligadu ho preokupasaun atu hamosu SPI foun hodi troka HLPE, Panel Internasionál no Matenek Nain ba Sistema Ai-Han Sustentável (International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems - IPES-Food) hakerek briefing paper ida ne'ebé hatudu sira nia preokupasaun ho proposta atu kria SPI foun; sira preokupa katak SPI foun sei la rekoñese povu no toos-na’in nudár matenek na’in, no bele promove solusaun tékniku ne'ebé ignora komplexidade relasaun sosiál, ekonomia no ambientál. Ami konkorda katak solusaun ne'ebé efetivu no justu presiza involve maka’as partisipasaun agrikultór ki’ik sira no populasaun ho skill menus.

Mensajen Saida Mak MAP Presiza Lori ba FSS?

La’o Hamutuk fiar katak povu Timor-Leste iha perspetiva no koñesimentu relevante no importante ba simeira mundiál FSS, ne'ebé Ministru ho ekipa sei partisipa no bele lori ba Forum ida ne’e. Iha karta, La’o Hamutuk hato’o rekomendasaun tuir mai ba Ministru Agrikultura no Peskas:

  • Ami husu MAP atu lori lian povu Timor-Leste nian ba UN FSS, no kestiona knaar World Economic Forum (WEF) iha Food System Summit ne'ebé limita povu nia partisipasaun, no tanba sá?
  • Timor-Leste bele fahe ita nia esperiénsia ho agrikultura familiar no sistema agrikultura sustentável, agro-ecology no produsaun orgánika atu enkoraja partisipante iha FSS atu promove solusaun sustentável hirak ne’e.

  • Uza oportunidade FSS atu loke diskusaun kona ba knaar sosiedade sivíl no grupu toos-na’in iha governasaun ONU, no promove akontabilidade no inkluzaun iha prosesu refere.

  • Rejeita proposta atu kria SPI hodi troka HLPE ho SPI foun ne'ebé la inklui mekanizmu forte atu fasilita partisipasaun povu.

  • Fahe Timor-Leste nia esperiénsia ho mudansa klimátika atu hatudu importánsia atu hamenus emisaun gas estufa, halo adaptasaun apropriadu, no responde bainhira hasoru ameasa hirak ne’e.

  • Atu kontinua realiza prinsípiu demokrátiku no sustentabilidade iha rai laran liu husi promove no hametin agrikultura familiar, konservasaun ba bee, governasaun populár no foo prioridade ba seguransa ai-han ho prinsipiu soberania ai-han inklui nutrisaun di’ak ba povu.

LH Asks the Ministry of Agriculture to Bring the Voice of the People to the Food Systems Summit

Liga ba artigu ida ne'e iha lian Tetum

On 14 July, La’o Hamutuk and other NGOs sent a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries regarding the upcoming Food Systems Summit (FSS). The objective of the Summit is to establish a path toward realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to create an action plan and measurable goals to strengthen food systems. Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries will participate in the Summit, including a pre-summit this month.

Will the FSS promote agricultural approaches that are good for people?

The UN signed an agreement with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to jointly realize the Food Systems Summit. The WEF represents the interests of more than 1000 global corporations. In our letter to the Ministry, we pointed out that many in civil society view this agreement as opening the door to major private sector actors to participate directly in UN governance processes, while excluding civil society and agricultural movements from helping to develop effective and just solutions. For this reason, many civil society organisations believe that that FSS will not come up with solutions which are appropriate or just for farmers.

Large corporations promote conventional agriculture, seeking to industrialize production through the use of machinery, pesticides, and hybrid or genetically modified seeds that small-scale farmers must repeatedly purchase from the companies who have the rights over the genetic material. 

This system can exacerbate hunger and food insecurity, and can burden small-scale farmers. Studies have shown that industrial agriculture, and agriculture built on biotechnology, does not help eradicate poverty or food insecurity, and can threaten water, the environment, and human health.

Family farming and agro-ecology are models that can conserve diversity of production, and serve as a strong foundation for further diversification. Diverse agricultural production is good for the soil and for the broader environment, and is more resilient to climate change. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognizes the importance of family farming, and had declared 2019-2028 as the Decade of Family Farming.  The FAO recognizes that family farming is key to achieving the SDGs, to which Timor-Leste is committed. Family farming isn’t contrary to modernization, but it focuses on technological innovations that are effective, sustainable and adapted for local knowledges and resources.

We need to strengthen people’s voices in food systems governance.

The FSS also plans to create a new Science-Policy Interface organization (SPI). SPIs, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), assist governance processes by facilitating research and analysis. 

Through the UN’s Committee on World Food Security (CFS), there is already an SPI addressing food systems: the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE). This Committee was established in 2010, and since then has provided reports and research on food security, nutrition, and related topics to the Committee for Food Security. Unfortunately the FSS will probably reduce the role of the HLPE and replace it with a new SPI, which will reduce accountability because it will likely be comprised of scientists and private sector actors, and will be less open to civil society participation.

The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) has published a briefing note about shifting the HLPE mandate to a new SPI; they are concerned that the new body may fail to recognize local communities and farmers as bearers of knowledge, while promoting technical solutions that overlook social, economic, and environmental relationships. We agree that an effective and just approach to food systems must involve high levels of participation from farmers, and the “unskilled” population.

What should the Ministry’s message to the FSS be?

For this reason, we believe that the people of Timor-Leste have a relevant and important perspective on the FSS which the Ministry, as a participant in the Summit, should give voice to.
In our letter, La’o Hamutuk made the following recommendations to the Ministry:

  • Bring the voice of the people to the FSS, and raise concerns about the role of the World Economic Forum and the limited role of communities. 

  • Share Timor-Leste’s experiences of family farming, sustainable and organic agriculture, and agro-ecology, and encourage participants in the FSS to promote these approaches.

  • Use the FSS as an opportunity to open a conversation about the role of civil society and farmers in UN governance, and promote greater accountability and inclusion in these processes.

  • Reject calls to create new Science-Policy Interface that would fail to include strong participation mechanisms, to replace the HLPE.

  • Share Timor-Leste’s experience of the impacts of climate change, to demonstrate the importance of responding to this threat by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making appropriate adaptations.

  • Continue to realize democratic values and sustainability within Timor-Leste, by promoting and strengthening family farming, water conservation, popular governance and prioritizing the achievement of food security through food sovereignty, including quality nutrition for all.

17 July 2021

Kaptura no rai hela karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia Tasi Okos:

Solusaun ba Mudansa Klimátika ka Kolonializmu Karbonu?

Iha fulan Maiu, Santos no Eni, parseiru rua iha Konsorsiu Bayu-Undan, konkorda atu buka oportunidade hodi kontinua atividade iha kampu Bayu Undan, hafoin bainhira posu sira maran iha tinan 2022 ka 2023. Sira hanoin atu uza kampu ida ne’e atu kaptura no rai hela karbonu (iha lian Ingles, Carbon Capture and Storage ka CCS). Ne’e katak gas karbonu dioxida ne’ebé sai ona hanesan emisaun ka lixu husi produsaun gas naturál sei hatama iha tasi okos iha tasi Timor-Leste nian. Proposta ida ne’e bele sai perigozu ba Timor-Leste, no sei la ajuda maka’as ba esforsu atu hamenus mudansa klimátika.

Tanba sá mak Kaptura no Rai Hela Karbonu

Mundu tomak hasoru hela problema mudansa klimátika hanesan rezultadu husi atividade umanu nian, inklui produsaun mina no gas. Kompañia sira ne’ebé kria emisaun gas estufa hetan presaun atu hamenus sira nia impaktu ba ambiente. Maibé, haree ba sira nia lukru, kompañia mina no gas sira lakohi atu hapara produsaun. Sira buka meius atu prolonga produsaun, no sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu fó posibilidade atu kontinua estraga ambiente, maibé evite no husik sira nia responsabilidade.

Bainhira Santos no Eni fó sai katak sira buka oportunidade atu estabelese sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu, sira la esplika ho klaru sira nia motivasaun ka planu espesífiku. Maibé ita bele haree katak sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu bele ajuda sira atu hasa’e sira nia lukru ba oin no prolonga produsaun.

Kompañia Santos hasoru hela problema boot ida, tanba kampu Barossa ne’ebé sira jere, sei hamosu montante karbonu dioxida ne’ebé aas tebes. Gas naturál iha kampu Barossa kahur ho nivel karbonu dioxida aas liu. Hanesan ho kampu Evans Shoal ne’ebé kompañia Eni jere. Kampu rua ne’e tama iha tasi Australia nian.

Kompañia rua ne’e simu presaun atu hamenus sira nia impaktu negativu ba ambiente. Tuir Akordu Paris nian, maioria nasaun sira iha kometimentu atu hamenus sira nia emisaun gas estufa. Santos promete atu atinje emisaun net zero iha tinan 2040, no Eni promete atu atinje tarjetu hanesan iha 2030. Net zero signifika katak sira sei kalkula emisaun no foti asaun hanesan rai karbonu ka kuda ai atu hamenus karbonu iha atmosfera ho montante hanesan ho sira nia emisaun. Net zero la’ós katak sira sei hamenus produsaun gas estufa.

Ho nune’e, uza Kampu Bayu Undan nudár fatin atu implementa sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu, kompañia Santos no Eni bele halo nia aan hanesan di’ak ba ambiente, no prolonga produsaun gas natureza. Santos mós bele adia kustu desmantelamentu projetu Bayu-Undan, liu husi prolonga atividade iha ne’ebá.

Solusaun bele di’ak ba kompañia sira nia lukru, maibé ladún di’ak ba Timor-Leste no ba klima global.

Prosesu Rai Karbonu Efetivu ka Lae?

Projetu Rai Karbonu boot liu iha mundu, iha Australia nia tasi, sai parte husi kompañia Chevron nia projetu Gorgon LNG. Hafoin komesa produsaun iha tinan 2019, Chevron hasoru problema ho teknolojia rai karbonu, no konsege rai 30% de’it husi karbonu ne’ebé sira promete atu rai. Maibé, sira kontinua nafatin produsaun gas iha kampu Gorgon no kauza emisaun karbonu boot.

Se bainhira kompañia konsege implementa sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu ho di’ak, ne’e mós sei la rezolve problema, tanba sira nia produtu final, gas naturál, mós kontribui ba mudansa klimátika. Gas naturál kompostu husi gas metanu, ne’ebé fó impaktu negativu boot ba temperatura mundu nian, prosesu atu transporte, no uza gas naturál kria emisaun gas karbonu dioxida. Imposivel atu muda produsaun gas naturál hodi sai di’ak ba ambiente.

Realidade, indústria mina no gas promove sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu hanesan solusaun falsu ka bosok, ne’ebé fó oportunidade ba kompañia sira atu la’o nafatin. Medidas ne’ebé efetivu liu atu rezolve problema mudansa klimátika mak hamenus produsaun gas estufa hotu no investe iha enerjia renovável. Habosok nasaun hanesan Timor-Leste hodi simu solusaun falsu hanesan sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu sai obstákulu ba asaun efetivu liu.

Risku no Responsabilidade

Rai karbonu iha Timor-Leste nia tasi okos bele hamosu risku. Ladún klaru se mak sei responsabiliza fasilidade tasi nian ba futuru, atu asegura katak karbonu dioxida la suli sai. Se karbonu dioxida suli sai no tama iha tasi, bele kauza ásidu tasi nian atu aumenta ho impaktu negativu ba ekosistema. Karbonu ne’ebé sira propoin atu rai sei presiza jere durante longu prazu, bele to’o tinan rihun ba rihun. Tinan rihun ida ba oin, kompañia sira sei eziste nafatin? Se mak sei responsabiliza karbonu dioxida?

Maske Santos sujere katak sei iha remunerasaun ba Timor-Leste, seidauk klaru osan hira mak kompañia sei selu. Bazeia ba ami nia estimasaun, rendimentu ba Timor-Leste karik bele to’o tokon $40 kada tinan, maizumenus 2% husi OJE tomak. Ita presiza tetu didi’ak benefísiu husi rendimentu kompara ho risku no responsabilidade sira ne’ebé ita sei hasoru.

Justisa Klimátika no Kolonializmu Karbonu

Timor-Leste nia rekursu naturais, inklui biodiversidade no ekosistema iha tasi, la bele sakrifika hodi kompañia kontinua goza liu hosi atividade mina no gas atu bele hetan lukru tan. Ideia atu uza Timor-Leste nia tasi nudár fatin lixu (fatin atu rai sira nia emisaun), hodi sira bele kontinua hetan lukru boot, ne’e kontra prinsípiu justisa klimátika no bele hamosu “kolonializmu karbonu.” Organizasaun ativista balu uza fraze "kolonializmu karbonu" atu deskreve projetu sira ne’ebé promete atu ‘hamenus’ impaktu husi emisaun sira ho projetu ne’ebé bele hamosu esplorasaun ba nasaun sira ne’ebé seidauk dezenvolvidu, hanesan iha tempu koloniál. Santos nia fo’er la’ós Timor-Leste nia responsabilidade.

Buka no kontribui ba solusaun ba mudansa klimátika importante ba nasaun hotu, no ita presiza halo esforsu hamutuk atu rezolve. Artigu ida ne’e la sujere katak Timor-Leste la bele sai parte husi solusaun ba mudansa klimátika. Problema mak sistema kaptura no rai hela karbonu la’ós solusaun ba mudansa klimátika, no bele fó risku boot ba Timor-Leste. Mudansa klimátika bele halo mudansa ba udan (la mai tuir tempu), no bele hamosu inundasaun, no tempu maran bele mós dura ba tempu kleur. Impaktu ida tan mak tasi sai aumenta aas liu; ne’e sei fó impaktu negativu ba disponibilidade bee mós, no fó ameasa ba komunidade ne’ebé hela besik iha tasi ibun. Timor-Leste sai vulneravel liu ba impaktu hirak ne’e, tanba ita nia infrastrutura báziku ladún forte, no povu barak mak depende ba setór agrikultura.

Atu realiza projetu ida ne’e, kompañia sira presiza hetan konkordánsia husi autoridade Timor-Leste nian. La’o Hamutuk sei kontinua atu tau matan ba asuntu ida ne’e, hodi asegura katak Timor-Leste liuliu nia povu maubere labele sai vítima tan ba kompañia sira nia mehi ba lukru boot liu hosi esplorasaun rekursu naturais.


Atualiza: Iha loron 13 Setembru 2021, Santos no ANPM asina MOU hodi halo progresu ba CCS iha Bayu-Undan.
Iha fulan Outubru, La'o Hamutuk fo aprezentasaun ida (mos PDF) kona-ba CCS ba webinar ida kona-ba mudansa klimatika.